英语翻译From the time I was a child growing up in New Jersey,I l


第1个回答  2022-10-16
From the time I was a child growing up in New Jersey, I loved spending weekends with my grandparents.从我还是个孩子的时候在新泽西长大的,我喜欢和我的祖父母共度周末.I felt 35 in Granny’s *** all kitchen.我觉得在奶奶的小厨房35.We always had peaceful conversations, and Granny always seemed to include some wisdom with every dish she prepared.我们总是和平对话,和奶奶总是似乎包括一些智慧与每一道菜她准备.I remember one Saturday morning.我记得一个星期六的早晨.I was about 11 years old.我是11岁.After breakfast I asked Granny, “What kind of soup are you making today?早餐后,我问奶奶:“什么样的汤你今天做吗?” “Vegetable beef,” she answered.”“蔬菜牛肉,”她回答说.“And you can help by cutting some carrots.“你可以帮我减少一些胡萝卜.” 36 I slowly cut the carrots, I said, “I’ve got to give a report next week and I’m scared (害怕的).“36我慢慢地切胡萝卜,我说,“我得给一个报告下周和我很害怕(害怕的).I don’t like standing in front of everybody.我不喜欢站在大家面前.What if I forget what I’m going to say?如果我忘了我想说什么吗?Or what if somebody laughs?或者如果有人笑吗?” “And what if you do just fine?”“如果你做的很好吗?” Granny asked.”奶奶问.“Have you 37 notes?“你37笔记吗?” “Well, no.”“嗯,没有.That would be a lot of work.这将是一个大量的工作.” “Hard work never 38 anyone,” Granny said.“努力工作不会38任何人,”奶奶说.“You could try practicing in front of a 39 .“你可以试着练习前39.It’s easy to find how well you are practising.”很容易找到你是如何练习.”I pushed the pieces of ca rrots to the side of the cutting board and went on to plain (抱怨) about schoolwork, friends and family.我把件ca rrots向身边的砧板和继续抱怨(抱怨)关于作业,朋友和家人.Granny took it all in, listening 40 while I talked about so many pieces of grief (伤心事) in my life.奶奶接受了这一切,听当我谈了40多件悲伤(伤心事)在我的生命中.“Nancy, ” she said, “there’s nothing wrong with a little trouble in your life.“南希,”她说,“有错,一个小麻烦在你的生活.Well, you know, a lot of people don’t make homemade soup these days.嗯,你知道,很多人不使自制汤这些天.They say it’s too much trouble.他们说太麻烦.But I don’t 41 such a little trouble.但我不41如此小的麻烦.It adds flavor (滋味) to my soup — and to my life.它添加风味(滋味)到我的汤,给我的生活.My soup would be pretty bland (平淡) 42 the vegetables, and so would my life if it didn’t have the little ups and downs.我的汤就相当的平淡无味(平淡)42蔬菜,而我的生活如果没有一点起伏.” She *** iled and then started washing the dishes.”她笑了笑,然后开始洗碗.While I helped Granny clean up, I thought about what she had said.虽然我帮奶奶打扫,我想到她说了什么.I still had a few days to 43 my report.我还有几天到我的报告43.That Saturday, Granny gave me food for 44 as well as a bowl of her homemade soup.那个周六,奶奶给了我食物44以及一碗她自制的汤.As I 45 the meal with my grandparents, somehow (不知何故) my problems didn’t seem so big any more.当我45吃我的祖父母,不知何故(不知何故)我的问题似乎没有如此大的任何更多的.Maybe I could turn a little trouble into something as 46 as Granny’s homemade也许我可以把一个小麻烦变成为46作为奶奶的自制