what is hero in your opinion一段英语作文


第1个回答  推荐于2016-05-13
  If one adheres to the dictionary definition of 'hero,' a hero is a 'man of distinguished courage, or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.' But if one were to go by opinion, the qualities and traits that a hero must possess vary from person to person.

In my opinion, a hero is someone who would start a ripple of good change. The heroes are in our history books because they had done something worth remembering: starting a revolution, beginning non-violent movements, or simply standing up for what they think is right. But hero is not made by distuingishment and fame. That being said, hero may be someone in the background, someone whom no one takes notice of, but without them, the entire tapersty'll fall apart. A hero may also be someone who does not conform to the standards set by the unjust society of their time.He must also be one who is willing to face the consequences that opening the people's eyes may bring. They must be willing to help the cause for the greater good.

But there may be more traits that people may consider. Some say that popularity is key factor -- but I disagree. Sometimes the greatest heroes are the introverted ones who THINK about what is truly going on. They ignore what people against them murmur in the shadows; they instead focus on WHY they say that.

But then again, that's just my opinion.本回答被网友采纳