
尊敬的朋友您好; 很感谢您能用这宝贵的时间来阅读这封信。总经理代表董事长及全体员工向二十三年来关心,帮助,支持,爱护的新老朋友表示最忠心的感谢。谢谢您给予我们的指导,建议,使我们在工作中不断创新改进,为更好的服务用户已做了大量的工作。虽然是发展但也是很难满足市场需求。今天您收到此信一定会有很好很宝贵的建议给我们,不防恳求劳您大驾献出高招,将万般感激。是您们绐予企业今天的辉煌,希望可以和您结为合作伙伴!成为行业中的佼佼者。真诚希望合作,

第1个回答  2008-11-01
The friend respect good; Appreciate your ability to use this precious time reading this letter very much.General manager representative president and all the employee is to 23 in the last years concern, help, support, good care of new the old friend mean most loyal of with gratitude.Thank you to give our instruction, suggestion, make we are in the work continuously innovation improvement, for better service the customer have already done a great deal of of work.Although is a development is also very difficult to satisfy a market need.Today you receive this letter certain will have very very very precious of suggestion to us, don't defend entreaty the Lao your your good self to dedicate a brilliant strategy, ten thousand sort grateful.BE your Dai to business enterprise today of brilliancy, hope can with you knot is cooperation colleague!Become the of Jiao Jiao in the profession.Sincerity hope cooperation. Our company sends the respect new-old friends to feel grateful the letter. Thanks you to our support and the trust!therespect's friend hello; Thanks you to be able very much to use this precious time to read this letter. General manager cares on behalf of chairman and all staff to for 23 years, helps, to support, the new-old friends which cherishes expresses most loyal thanks. Thanks you to give our instruction, suggested that causes us to innovate unceasingly in the work the improvement, for better served the user to do the massive work. Although is the development but is also very difficult to satisfy the market demand. Today you will receive this letter certainly to have the very good very precious suggestion to give us, the unexpected plea will work your your honorable self to offer the good idea, will be grateful all kinds. Is you deceives gives the enterprise today's magnificence, hoped that may tie with you for the partner! Becomes in the profession outstanding person. Sincere hope cooperation,
第2个回答  2008-11-01
Our company sends the respect new-old friends to feel grateful the letter. Thanks you to our support and the trust!therespect's friend hello; Thanks you to be able very much to use this precious time to read this letter. General manager cares on behalf of chairman and all staff to for 23 years, helps, to support, the new-old friends which cherishes expresses most loyal thanks. Thanks you to give our instruction, suggested that causes us to innovate unceasingly in the work the improvement, for better served the user to do the massive work. Although is the development but is also very difficult to satisfy the market demand. Today you will receive this letter certainly to have the very good very precious suggestion to give us, the unexpected plea will work your your honorable self to offer the good idea, will be grateful all kinds. Is you deceives gives the enterprise today's magnificence, hoped that may tie with you for the partner! Becomes in the profession outstanding person. Sincere hope cooperation,本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2008-11-01
My company with the result that respect of new old friend a feel grateful letter.Thank you for supporting us and trust!
The friend respect good; Appreciate your ability to use this precious time reading this letter very much.General manager representative president and all the employee is to 23 in the last years concern, help, support, good care of new the old friend mean most loyal of with gratitude.Thank you to give our instruction, suggestion, make we are in the work continuously innovation improvement, for better service the customer have already done a great deal of of work.Although is a development is also very difficult to satisfy a market need.Today you receive this letter certain will have very very very precious of suggestion to us, don't defend entreaty the Lao your your good self to dedicate a brilliant strategy, ten thousand sort grateful.BE your Dai to business enterprise today of brilliancy, hope can with you knot is cooperation colleague!Become the of Jiao Jiao in the profession.Sincerity hope cooperation.
第4个回答  2008-11-01
Hello Dear friends; am very grateful to you that this can be a valuable time to read this letter. Chairman of the board and general manager on behalf of all staff to care for 23 years, help, support and caring for the old and new friends that the most loyal to thank. Thank you for giving us guidance, so that we constantly work to improve innovation, better services for customers has done a lot of work. But development is also very difficult to meet the market demand. Today you receive this letter are bound to be very good very valuable suggestions to us, not anti-labor beg you gave Dajia tactics will be extremely grateful. Is believed to have your business in today's brilliant, and hope to become your partner! Become the industry leader. Sincerely hope that the co-operation