
明天英语课前几分钟要对话表演,要有创意点,是四人的,不要有旁白,不要太长,太难,不要见面就说Hao are you,对话中别出现问好的语句,场景不一定是学校,顺便声明一下,我是初一滴·····

第1个回答  2008-10-26


Jessica: Hey Cindy would you like to go to the mall after school?
Cindy: Sure, I would love to go.
Katie: Hey can I go to? I need some new cloth.
Jessica: Of course! We can go together.
Cindy: Nancy would you like to come as well?
Nancy: I would love to go, however I have too much math homework. Sorry.
Cindy: Oh, that is too bad. Good luck with your math homework.
Nancy: Thank you.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2008-10-26
1: Yo, dude! What you gonna do?
2: I'm gonna have a picnic. Wanna join?
1: Really? Why not? Let's go!
3: Hey, guys. Where you heading?
1: We are going for picnic. What are you gonna do?
3: I'm going for basketball.
1,2: OK, have fun!~
3: Thanks, see you guys later.
( In picnic area)
4: Hey guys! Long time no see you!
2: Yeah, man! You playing soccer there?
4: Yeah, dude. Do you wanna play with me?
2: Sure! But we have to finish our picnic first.
1: Yeah, we'll meeting in the soccer field couple minutes later.
4: Alright. Well, meet you guys there. Later~
1,2: Later.