

第1个回答  2022-10-01
*** /watch?v=1WSdwUNnQR8 这是一首十分好的英文歌,又好听!!!从中表现了很深友情~不像时下肤浅的流行曲~ 介绍: X JAPAN---YOSHIKI单曲AMETHYST (1993/11/3)(TODT-3130)    所属专辑Eternal Melody (1993/4/21)(TOCT-6994~5)   “ amethyst,紫水晶。代表灵性、精神、高层次的爱意。象征洁身自好,出淤泥而不染。早在X JAPAN时期就已经有了这首曲子,当然那时候只有交响乐版本的。因为HIDE喜欢,所以YOSHIKI一直用它作开场曲。05年发行EM II的时候,YOSHIKI给这首乐曲填了词,作为一首歌来演唱,而背景伴奏用的依然是交响乐队。虽然YOSHIKI没有明说,但其实大家都知道,这词,是写给死去的好友---HIDE的。” Amethyst You are only a whisper away But I can't touch your heart If the words aren't enough to bet your soul I'll give you the moon You are always shining sun or rain Like a violet stone I close my eyes but you never fade But you never disappear I feel alone Can you see me standing on the verge of blue? I'll be watching all the stars till they are gone Should I know nothing could make me miss you less? Oh
I've been waiting for you To tell me what is love I don't know how to be loved How to be by your side Morning light shines in my room I´m holding dreams of you It may take no less than this pain But I can't stop loving you Feel my heart You have never known that you have all of me Every time I see you I am falling in love I can live or I can't live without you Oh I've been waiting for you To tell me what is love I don't know how to be loved How to be by your side Morning light shines in my room I'm holding dreams of you It may take no less than my life But I can't stop loving you
Amethyst You are only a whisper away But I can't touch your heart If the words aren't enough to bet your soul I'll give you the moon You are always shining sun or rain Like a violet stone I close my eyes but you never fade But you never disappear I feel alone Can you see me standing on the verge of blue? I'll be watching all the stars till they are gone Should I know nothing could make me miss you less? Oh
I've been waiting for you To tell me what is love I don't know how to be loved How to be by your side Morning light shines in my room I´m holding dreams of you It may take no less than this pain But I can't stop loving you Feel my heart You have never known that you have all of me Every time I see you I am falling in love I can live or I can't live without you Oh I've been waiting for you To tell me what is love I don't know how to be loved How to be by your side Morning light shines in my room I'm holding dreams of you It may take no less than my life But I can't stop loving you 歌曲:相反的我 歌手:张芸京 这首歌大概讲述每人在实现梦想时都会感到迷失,心中都会有一个相反的我。这首歌就是告诉人们,不要害怕面对相反的自己,要努力追求梦想。听过这首歌,会使人有一种平静的感觉,令人的压力和心中的不快得以宣泄,是首励志的歌曲! 歌词: 我看见镜子后面皱着眉的我 很孤单怕有话想说 像天空不会永远都是蓝色的 有阴天你才会抬头 走穿多少的巷弄 笑了 哭了 有三四个人爱我 我想要 一个乱了数字的时钟 我想做一个完全相反的我 我在这个世界拼命 是什么 累死我 我有双不听任何命令的耳朵 去享受快乐加上自由的我 我要变成一个透明的石头 我不会动 也不会痛 想念的忧郁太重 累积了所以 原谅我想消失自重 每个人都在喧闹的轨道奔走 讲真的我想要呼救 请看爱情的脸孔 美的 丑的 几千万人都被愚弄了 我想要 一个乱了数字的时钟 我想做一个完全相反的我 我在这个世界拼命 是什么 累死我 我有双不听任何命令的耳朵 去享受快乐加上自由的我 我要变成一个透明的石头 我不会动 也不会痛 我想要 一个乱了数字的时钟 我想做一个完全相反的我 我在这个世界拼命 是什么 累死我 我有双不听任何命令的耳朵 去享受快乐加上自由的我 我要变成一个透明的石头 我不会动 也不会痛
歌曲:相反的我 歌手:张芸京 这首歌大概讲述每人在实现梦想时都会感到迷失,心中都会有一个相反的我。这首歌就是告诉人们,不要害怕面对相反的自己,要努力追求梦想。听过这首歌,会使人有一种平静的感觉,令人的压力和心中的不快得以宣泄,是首励志的歌曲! 歌词: 我看见镜子后面皱着眉的我 很孤单怕有话想说 像天空不会永远都是蓝色的 有阴天你才会抬头 走穿多少的巷弄 笑了 哭了 有三四个人爱我 我想要 一个乱了数字的时钟 我想做一个完全相反的我 我在这个世界拼命 是什么 累死我 我有双不听任何命令的耳朵 去享受快乐加上自由的我 我要变成一个透明的石头 我不会动 也不会痛 想念的忧郁太重 累积了所以 原谅我想消失自重 每个人都在喧闹的轨道奔走 讲真的我想要呼救 请看爱情的脸孔 美的 丑的 几千万人都被愚弄了 我想要 一个乱了数字的时钟 我想做一个完全相反的我 我在这个世界拼命 是什么 累死我 我有双不听任何命令的耳朵 去享受快乐加上自由的我 我要变成一个透明的石头 我不会动 也不会痛 我想要 一个乱了数字的时钟 我想做一个完全相反的我 我在这个世界拼命 是什么 累死我 我有双不听任何命令的耳朵 去享受快乐加上自由的我 我要变成一个透明的石头 我不会动 也不会痛
Trouble is a friend-Lenka *** /watch?v=7VKu6Q-B4ls Although trouble is bad
trouble is a friend too. We can't go away
because we can find trouble everywhere. Trouble can make you bee stronger than before
because you can learn something in the trouble
so trouble is a friend. So we should be brave to face the trouble and don’t be afraid. Lyrics Trouble will find you No matter where you go Oh
oh No matter if you're fast No matter if you're slow Oh
oh The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn Oh
oh You're fine for a while But you start To lose control #He's there in the dark He's there in my heart He waits in the wings he's gotta play a part Trouble is a friend Yeah# Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh Trouble is a friend But trouble is a foe Oh
oh And no matter What I feed him He always seems to grow Oh
oh He sees what I see And he knows What I know Oh
oh So don't fet As you ease On down my road Re# Yeah @Trouble Is a friend of mine So don't be alarmed If he takes you By the arm I won't let him win But I'm a sucker for his charm For his charm Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of [email protected] Ahh How I hate the way He makes me feel And how I try To make him leave I try Oh
I try But # [email protected] Ahh
参考: lyrics: artists.letssingit/lenka-lyrics-trouble-is-a-friend-dwb6wcs
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