

第1个回答  2022-11-23
在本篇文章中,我们将讨论“go”这个词的搭配。“Go”这个词常常与介词进行搭配从而其意义得到引申,有时候这个词的含义很清楚,当其含义不清楚时,我们会加以说明帮助你理解这个词的含义。,Collocations with Go with Prepositions Go,与介词的搭配,如果你理解介词的含义,下面大多说的短语都是很容易理解的。然而,我们也将详细介绍一些其他的的搭配。,Go ahead,前进,进行,Go on,继续,Go in,进来,Go back,回来,up there,去那里,We use this collocation when we are talking about another place we will go visit that is in a direction above where we are.,当我们谈论我们要去的目的地时我们会使用这样的短语,这些短语可以为我们指示方向。,I haven’t been to New York yet, but I am planning to go up there next spring.,我还没有去过纽约但是我打算明年春天去那里。,Your bag is upstairs; I will go up there and get it for you.,你的包在楼上,我上去给你拿。,down there,We use this collocation when we are talking about another place we will go that is in a direction below where we are.,当说到另一个地方,而这个地方又在我们所处位置之下时我们会使用这个词。,I like the weather in Florida during the winter; I think I will go down there this year.,我喜欢冬天弗洛里达的天气,今年冬天我就去那里。,I can hear my cell phone ringing downstairs, can you go down there and get it for me?,我的电话在楼下响了,你能下去帮我拿一下嘛?,on through,穿过,进去,Used to verbally invite someone to pass through an entrance into a place.,这个词用来口头邀请一个人从入口进入到一个地方。,Wele to my party! Please, go on through, everyone is inside.,欢迎来到我的聚会,进去吧,大家都在里面。,out there,去吧,This collocation has a more figurative meaning; it can be used to refer to the sea, an audience of some type or another thing that is big.,这种搭配具有更多的象征意义,可以用来指大海,可以指观众,也可以用来指其他大的东西。,The sea is very rough today; I wouldn’t go out there!,今天还上的风浪很大,我是不会出海的。,This is your concert, now go out there and sing your best!,这是你的演唱会,现在去唱你的歌吧!,There is a lot of petition in the market for *** artphones, so go out there and do your best to show people how ours is different.,智能手机的市场竞争很激烈,所以走出去,尽你最大的努力向别人展示我们的不同之处。,over there,去那里,Similar to go up there or go down there, it refers to a place in any general direction.,与go up there和go down there相似,它可以用来指去任何方向的一个地点。,I fot my book at the office; I will have to go over there and retrieve it.,我把书落在了办公室,我必须回去取。,The flowers are ready to be picked up from the florist, can you go over there and get them for me?,花都已经采摘好了,你能过去给我买点嘛?,from there,从哪……去哪…,Again this collocation is about a place but used to describe the verb go in the future.,这个短语也是用来描述地点的,但是是用来描述将来要去的地点。,After we stay in Rome, we will go from there to Venice.,在罗马待一段时间后,就从罗马去威尼斯。,Where will you go from there?,在那之后,你还要去哪里?,Unique Collocations with Go,Go的一些特殊搭配,check / go look,检查,To review or examine something.,检查或者审查某事,I think the cake has finished baking, let me go check.,我想蛋糕已经烤好了,我去看看。,Is someone at the front door? Can you go look for me?,有人在前门吗?你能去找我吗?,home,回家,Usually said in a statement about the person or as an order to someone.,通常用来描述某人在家的状态,或者表示一种让某人回家的命令。,I am going to go home now.,我现在要回家。,Go home, Tom!,回家,汤姆!,’s go.,我们走吧,Used as a statement for when you leave a place.,Let’s go用来表示要离开某个地方。,The movie has finished, let’s go.,电影结束了,我们走吧。,see,实地察看,To explore or investigate.,探索或者调查,What was that noise? I’ll go see.,那是什么声音?我去看看。,figure,真不敢相信,An expression used when you find something to be incredible, amazing.,当你发现某事是难以置信的,你可以使用这种表达。,It was unbelievable how the magician made the rabbit disappear, go figure!,这简直令人难以置信,魔术师把兔子变消失了,真不敢相信。,Green,保护环境,环保,This collocation has bee popular in recent years because it means to bee more environmentally friendly by doing things like recycling.,这种搭配近几年来流行起来,它表示做一些类似于回收的事情来达到环保的效果。,I just bought a new electric car because I want to go green.,我买了新的电动车,因为我想保护环境。,crazy / Go mad,生气,发疯,An expression used for when a person bees very angry or hysterical about something.,这种用法用来表示某人对某事非常生气。,Did you see how angry she bee, I have never seen her go crazy/mad like that!,你看到她有多生气了吗?,get ‘em (go get them),去吧,A mon collocation, expression, to use in sports and to motivate a person to do well.,这是一种常见的表达,通常用于体育运动中激励某人做得更好。,It’s your turn to kick the ball. Go get ‘em!,轮到你踢球了,去吧!,through me,经过某人的允许,A threat of violence by one person if the other person does something the first person doesn’t like.,这个词意为如果一个人做了另一个人不喜欢的事,那么暴力行为很可能就会发生。,If you want to steal my money, you will have to go through me.,如果想偷我的钱,你得先问问我的拳头答不答应。,to hell,下地狱,In many countries, the word hell is considered to be a profanity or swear word. Many religious, especially Christian religions believe hell to be where bad people go to be tormented forever once they die. Therefore, many people use this expression when they want to insult someone else.,在许多国家,hell这个词被认为是亵渎和不尊重。许多宗教,尤其是基督教信仰认为地狱是坏人死后永远受折磨的地方。因此,很多人在先侮辱别人的时候都使用这个词。,My boss got so angry with the customer he told him to go to hell!,我的老板对顾客很生气,他让他下地狱。,astray,走入歧途,迷路,When someone makes a mistake or literally goes in the wrong direction, we can use this collocation.,当某人犯了错误或者走了错误的方向,我们可以使用这个词。,It was sad to see him go astray when he started taking drugs.,当他开始吸毒时,看到他误入歧途是很悲哀的。,Follow the map, so you don’t go astray.,跟着地图走,这样你就不会迷路了。,bankrupt,破产,Use this collocation as an expression or description about when a person loses all of their money or is at risk of losing all of their money.,这个搭配作为一种表达或者一种描述用来说明一个人失去他所有的钱或者他面临着失去所有的钱的状况。,If you keep buying expensive things, I will go bankrupt.,如果你继续买昂贵的东西,我会破产的。,We are going to go bankrupt unless we can make more money.,除非我们赚更多的钱,否则我们就要破产了。,online,上网,To use the inter.,使用互联网,Let’s go online to find a place we can go on vacation.,让我们上网找一个可以度假的地方。,以英语为母语的人几乎每天都会使用go这个单词,试着在你的日常对话中使用这些搭配,并且试着把她们用到句子里。,声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。
