

第1个回答  2016-03-03
  文明礼貌  学习争先虽重要,  文明礼貌也要好。  学校规定都遵守,  见到老师有礼貌。  同学之间相友爱,  友谊小手牵的牢。  爱护公物放心上,  树立新风我做到。  Civility, politeness  It is important to learn to get ahead.  Civility and decorum must also be good.  Schools are required to comply with.  See teachers polite.  Phase fraternity among students.  Led by the firm hands of friendship.  Safe assured.  Establish a new style I do.  道德,是人类前进的"目的地",  道德,是人类前进的"发动机",  道德,是人类前进的"行路标",  道德,是人类前进的"方向盘",  道德,是人类前进的"交通警"。  Ethics of human progress "destination"  Ethics of human progress "engine"  Ethics, which is ahead of a "roadmap".  Ethics of human progress, "the steering wheel." Ethics of human progress "Traffic Police."  天行健,君子当自强不息;  地势坤,君子当厚德载物。  --《周易》  无恻隐之心,非人也;无羞恶之心,非人也;无辞让之心,非人也;无是非之心,非人也。  --孟子  应知学问难,在乎点滴勤。  尤其难上难,锻炼品德纯。  --陈毅