求英语大人 将下列细则翻译成英文 要拿给外国人看的

 若您对于报读课程的各项内容无异议,请在认真阅读《学员入学登记表》的各项条款后填写相关信息并签名,所有条款在签名后即时生效。

 至财务处缴纳学费并领取相关付费凭证。
◆ 若您选择刷卡付费,可直接领取发票。
◆ 若您选择现金付费,请先领取学费收据,开班两周内凭收据至教务处领取发票。

 至教务处购买教材。
◆ 在报名付费当日就必须同时购买教材,并在开班当天携带教材至中心上课用。
◆ 请家长务必先用油性记号笔写好幼儿姓名,以利辨认避免遗失。

 具体开班日期及上课时间由教务处在开班一周前电话通知。

第三章 学员考勤制度

※ 为了学员在快乐玛丽安学习有满意的收获,请遵守本中心“学员考勤制度”。学员的出勤情况将直接与学习成效、考试类课程的通关承诺和教学质量挂钩。

※ 不迟到,不早退。

※ 如有事要提早离开学校,须提前告诉任课老师和分校教务长。

※ 由于出游等娱乐原因,或者自身原因不能来上课者,属自己放弃课程,不于补课。

※ 如遇突发情况不能提前一周填写请假单者,必须至少于上课一天前致电上课校区请假,并在下次上课时补填请假单。否则,以旷课论处。

※ 未请假不来上课者视为无故旷课,旷课者不得申请补课,且旷课课时不得顺延。

※ 遇到特殊情况,如学员生病,住院,到外地探亲等,需提前请假,课时准予顺延。

※ 为保证学员的学习成效和教学质量,出勤率不满90%者,中心有权拒绝安排补课。

第五章 关于转班、延期及退学

(一) 转班和延期规定

※ 转班规定
◇ 同类课程转班最多不超过2次;不同类课程转班最多不超过1次。
◇ 转入较高学费班级产生的差额费用必须补交;转入较低学费班级产生的差额不以现金退还,但可计入其它课程学费。

※ 延期规定
◇ 本中心保留延期学员12个月的学籍,延期申请以一次为限。

※ 延期转班的费用
◇ 学费在1000元以下的收取50元手续费。
◇ 学费在1000元以上的收取100元手续费。
◇ 已上过课的另需扣除课时费。

※ 课程进行到一半后的学员本中心一律不接受转班、延期申请。

※ 填写过转班、延期申请单的学员一律不予退学。

※ 此规定解释权属本中心。

(二) 退学规定

※ 开课前或四次课内,有下列情形可办理退学手续
◇ 由于不可预见的因素导致学员所报班级被取消,学员须凭收据领取退款。
◇ 学员如出国,须持本人护照原件、国外有效签证原件和近期机票办理退学。
◇ 学员因病或其他缘故丧失学习能力,须持地方级医院的诊断证明书办理退学。
* 学员因病住院,必须持医院有效证明原件办理转班或延期手续。原则上只能转入同类班级。
* 若未凭收据或发票来办理退学,中心恕不退款!

※ 退学的费用
◇ 开学日前办理退学,扣除20元报名费外,另需扣除正常学费的20%。
◇ 开课两次内办理退学,除扣除20元报名费外另需扣除正常学费的25%以及相应的课时费。
◇ 开课四次内办理退学,除扣除20元报名费外另需扣除正常学费的30%以及相应的课时费。
◇ 书费、磁带费和资料费等其他费用恕不退还。

※ 下列情形不得办理退学手续
◇ 如学员已开过学时证明一律不予退学。
◇ 有奖发票兑奖联被刮开不予以退费。
不要 直接从Google或什么翻译上找的 不靠谱 最好是翻译过后 自己有修改的 要求准确

第1个回答  2009-07-14
If you have enrolled for the content of a no-objection, please carefully read the "Registration Form school students," the terms of the relevant information to complete and sign, all the provisions came into effect immediately after the signature.

 paid to the Treasury to pay tuition fees and receive the relevant certificate.
◆ If you select credit card payment, to receive the invoice directly.
◆ If you choose to pay cash, please collect tuition receipts, with the opening two weeks of receipt of invoice receipt to the Registrar Office.

 purchase materials to Office of Academic Affairs.
◆ the date of registration must be paid at the same time the purchase of teaching materials and teaching materials in classes to carry the day with centers.
◆ Parents please be sure to use oil-based marker to write the names of child care in order to facilitate identification to avoid loss.

 specific opening date and time from school a week before the opening ceremony of the Registrar Office in the telephone notification.

Chapter III of the performance appraisal system of student

※ In order to student learning in a happy Marian gains satisfaction, please comply with the center "the performance appraisal system of the trainees." Attendance students will be directly related to learning outcomes, the examination courses customs linked to the commitment and the quality of teaching.

※ do not be late, do not leave early.

※ If things have to leave school early to be told ahead of time classroom teachers and campus dean.

※ Due to the reasons for travel and other entertainment, or their reasons for not coming to class, are they are giving up their courses, not to make up a missed lesson.

※ In case of emergency can not leave a single one week in advance to complete, and must have at least one day in class at school campus before the leave, and leave the next补填single class. Otherwise, in order to penalize absenteeism.

※ not leave those who can not be regarded as a reason school absenteeism, truancy applications are not allowed to make up a missed lesson, and may not be extended absenteeism hours.

※ encountered special circumstances, such as student illness, hospitalization, to the field to visit relatives and so on, need to leave ahead of schedule, extended hours be granted.

※ In order to ensure the effectiveness of student learning and teaching quality, 90 percent were satisfied with attendance, the center arranged the right to refuse to make up a missed lesson.

Chapter V on to classes and drop-out delayed

(A) and extension of the provisions to ban

※ provisions to ban
◇ similar courses to classes of no more than 2 times; different types of courses to classes of no more than 1.
◇ classes have moved to the higher tuition fees must pay the difference; into the lower classes have a fee to cash the difference between the non-refundable, but tuition fees can be included in other courses.

Extension of the provisions of ※
◇ students of the Center to retain the 12-month extension of the school, an extension of the application once.

※ extension to the cost of classes
◇ tuition fees of 1,000 yuan in the 50 yuan fee charged.
◇ fees charged 1,000 yuan more than 100 charges.
◇ have attended another class lesson fees to be deducted.

※ courses to students after half of all the center does not accept the transfer ban, an extension of the application.

※ had to fill in classes, an extension of the application are not drop-out students.

※ this interpretation lies the center provides.

(B) drop-out provisions

※ curricular classes or four times before, any of the following conditions apply to drop-out procedures
◇ as a result of unforeseen factors have led to the trainees reported the cancellation of classes, participants receive a refund receipts accountable.
◇ Students who go abroad, I test the original passport, valid visa abroad, tickets for the original and the recent drop-out.
◇ participants because of illness or other loss of learning ability, test of the local hospitals for the diagnosis of a certificate of school.
* Student was hospitalized, the hospital must have a valid proof of the original processing procedures to ban or postponed. In principle, can only be transferred to the same class.
* If no receipts or invoices to their drop-out process, the center is non-refundable!

※ The cost of drop-out
◇ school for drop-outs before, excluding an application fee of 20 yuan, also need to deduct 20% of normal fees.
◇ two classes to handle drop-out, in addition to deduction of 20 application fee to be deducted from the other 25% of the normal tuition fees and the corresponding class fee.
◇ school classes for four months, in addition to deduction of 20 application fee to be deducted from the other 30% of the normal tuition fees and the corresponding class fee.
◇ books, tapes fees and other costs of information are non-refundable fees.

※ The following circumstances shall not be drop-out procedures for
◇ If the students have held a school drop-out proved to be no.
◇兑奖invoices in conjunction with prizes to be scratch-not a refund.
第2个回答  2009-07-14
Treasury to pay tuition fees and receive the relevant payment voucher.
◆ If you select credit card payment, to receive the invoice directly.
◆ If you choose to pay cash, please collect tuition receipts, with the opening two weeks of receipt of invoice receipt to the Registrar Office.
 purchase materials to Office of Academic Affairs.
◆ the date of registration must be paid at the same time the purchase of teaching materials and teaching materials in classes to carry the day with centers.
◆ Parents please be sure to use oil-based marker to write the names of child care in order to facilitate identification to avoid loss.
 specific opening date and time from school a week before the opening ceremony of the Registrar Office in the telephone notification.
Chapter III of the performance appraisal system of student
※ In order to student learning in a happy Marian gains satisfaction, please comply with the center "the performance appraisal system of the trainees." Attendance students will be directly related to learning outcomes, the examination courses customs linked to the commitment and the quality of teaching.
※ do not be late, do not leave early.
※ If things have to leave school early to be told ahead of time classroom teachers and campus dean.
※ Due to the reasons for travel and other entertainment, or their reasons for not coming to class, are they are giving up their courses, not to make up a missed lesson.
※ In case of emergency can not leave a single one week in advance to complete, and must have at least one day in class at school campus before the leave, and leave the next补填single class. Otherwise, in order to penalize absenteeism.
※ not leave those who can not be regarded as a reason school absenteeism, truancy applications are not allowed to make up a missed lesson, and may not be extended absenteeism hours.
※ encountered special circumstances, such as student illness, hospitalization, to the field to visit relatives and so on, need to leave ahead of schedule, extended hours be granted.
※ In order to ensure the effectiveness of student learning and teaching quality, 90 percent were satisfied with attendance, the center arranged the right to refuse to make up a missed lesson.
Chapter V on to classes and drop-out delayed
(A) and extension of the provisions to ban
※ provisions to ban
◇ similar courses to classes of no more than 2 times; different types of courses to classes of no more than 1.
◇ classes have moved to the higher tuition fees must pay the difference; into the lower classes have a fee to cash the difference between the non-refundable, but tuition fees can be included in other courses.
Extension of the provisions of ※
◇ students of the Center to retain the 12-month extension of the school, an extension of the application once.
※ extension to the cost of classes
◇ tuition fees of 1,000 yuan in the 50 yuan fee charged.
◇ fees charged 1,000 yuan more than 100 charges.
◇ have attended another class lesson fees to be deducted.
※ courses to students after half of all the center does not accept the transfer ban, an extension of the application.
※ had to fill in classes, an extension of the application are not drop-out students.
※ this interpretation lies the center provides.
(B) drop-out provisions
※ curricular classes or four times before, any of the following conditions apply to drop-out procedures
◇ as a result of unforeseen factors have led to the trainees reported the cancellation of classes, participants receive a refund receipts accountable.
◇ Students who go abroad, I test the original passport, valid visa abroad, tickets for the original and the recent drop-out.
◇ participants because of illness or other loss of learning ability, test of the local hospitals for the diagnosis of a certificate of school.
* Student was hospitalized, the hospital must have a valid proof of the original processing procedures to ban or postponed. In principle, can only be transferred to the same class.
* If no receipts or invoices to their drop-out process, the center is non-refundable!
※ The cost of drop-out
◇ school for drop-outs before, excluding an application fee of 20 yuan, also need to deduct 20% of normal fees.
◇ two classes to handle drop-out, in addition to deduction of 20 application fee to be deducted from the other 25% of the normal tuition fees and the corresponding class fee.
◇ school classes for four months, in addition to deduction of 20 application fee to be deducted from the other 30% of the normal tuition fees and the corresponding class fee.
◇ books, tapes fees and other costs of information are non-refundable fees.
※ The following circumstances shall not be drop-out procedures for
◇ If the students have held a school drop-out proved to be no.
◇invoices in conjunction with prizes to be scratch-not a refund.