


第1个回答  2009-07-04
In order to encourage schoolmates to sharpen the spoken English power of expression, the student association will conduct a time entire school scope in next month 5 English oratorical contest, schoolmate who the wish participates please Friday ago register to class leader, department of English 10 professors will be the appraisal committee on invitation, first 5 schoolmates say obtain the prize, indicates encourages, to hope that everybody participates positively. conducts time organizing unit student association Ministry of Culture

第2个回答  2009-06-22
“Multinational Companies are key players in the international business. Their effects are far reaching, affecting the daily lifestyle of the average consumer” (Guyton). Asia cannot escape the fate of living under the influence of MNCs. The positive influences from MNCs outweigh the harm, they not only provide a large sum of tax to the host country, but they also are able to improve the welfare of local citizens and bring in new technology.
Multinational corporations are an instant boost in tax for the host country. For the host country, it is very likely that MNC will be subjected to tax. As a result many MNCs pay large sums in taxes to the host government, thus the government will have more money to spend of its domestic needs. Health care, education, communication faculties and other domestic programs can be funded. In China, MNCs pay a high tax of 25% of its income to the government (“China Income Tax…”). With the taxes provided by MNCs, these programs can lead to longer, healthier lives for citizens in the host country as wells as improvement in opportunities through education.
Moreover, the infiltration of MNCs will greatly improve the welfare of citizens in its host country. A huge problem that troubles many Asian countries is unemployment, in this case MNC, are very beneficial, they provide a large number of job opportunities for citizens in the host country. McDonalds, for example, has employed over 60,000 workers in China (“McDonald's…”). MNCs are most likely to hire local workers since the labor is much cheaper. In America, the average minimum wage is about $7.15 per hour (“Minimum Wage Laws…”), while it is only $10.6 per week for a Vietnam worker (Runckel). These jobs will also likely to pay more the existing local firms, as MNC are used to pay more skilled workers in their home country. Thus, by providing more jobs and payment, MNCs will greatly improve the welfare of citizens in their host country.
Technology is also brought into the country with the MNC. MNCs are often leaders in their area of production, they are able to introduce new and better technology to produce goods by manufacturing in the host country. Local firms are able to learn the most efficient machinery and method for production from MNCs, which can also lead to the creation of similar local firms. Li Ning, a local Chinese shoe firm is able to produce shoes that are in similar quality like Adidas and Nike through transferring their technology as they investigate their markets into China (Lin). The exposure of new technology leads to more efficient productive technologies in the host country.
Through examine the large amount of tax submitted by the MNCs to the host country, the improvement of welfare of local citizens and the establishment of new technology, it is possible to conclude that the benefits of MNCs in Asian countries outweigh their harm.
第3个回答  2009-07-07
In my family, there are three people, which is my mother, my father and I. My mother likes cooking, and my father likes reading. We are very happy, and play together a lot. My mother always looks after me, and so does my father. I love my parents!
第4个回答  2009-06-26