

第1个回答  2023-08-02

靠某人自己英语短语有by oneself、on one's own、depend/rely on one's own efforts、by one's own hands等。

1、By oneself:意为“独自地”、“亲自地”,强调一个人单独、独立地完成某件事情。这个短语强调自主性和独立性。它可以指一个人在没有他人帮助或干预的情况下完成任务。例句:He decided to fix the car by himself.(他决定自己修理汽车。)She prepared the presentation all by herself.(她独自准备了演示文稿。)

2、On one's own:意为“独自”,指一个人在没有他人陪伴或帮助的情况下进行活动或完成任务。与“by oneself”类似,但更强调独立性和自力更生。例句:He went hiking on his own.(他独自一人去徒步旅行。)She started her own business and now runs it on her own.(她自己创办了一家公司,并且现在独自经营。)

3、Depend/rely on one's own efforts:意为“依靠自己的努力”,表示某人需要依赖自己的努力和能力来取得成功或解决问题,而不是依赖外界的帮助。例句:He achieved his goals through his own efforts.(他通过自己的努力实现了目标。)She relied on her own efforts to overcome the challenges.(她依靠自己的努力克服了困难。)

4、By one's own hands:意为“亲手”、“亲自动手”,表示某人亲自动手做某件事情,强调个人的主动性和参与度。它可以指一个人亲自制作或完成某个工作。例句:He built the bookshelf by his own hands.(他亲手建造了书架。)She cooked the whole meal by her own hands.(她亲自动手做了整顿饭菜。)


by oneself造句

1、I prefer to study by myself because it helps me concentrate better.

2、He decided to go for a walk by himself to clear his mind.

3、She managed to fix the broken chair by herself using a few tools.

4、They organized the surprise party for their friend all by themselves.

5、My sister cooked dinner by herself and surprised us with a delicious meal.