

第1个回答  2022-11-02
1)为什么人总是要以勾手指尾作为承诺的象征? 从前, 有一个公主, 她到了结婚的年龄。 她挑选了五位王子作为最后夫婿的候选人, 她把手放在背后, 要五位王子猜想她举著那只手指。 第一位王子选了拇指, 那当然是错; 第二位王子举了食指, 当然也是错; 第三位王子举了中指, 换来公主的一巴掌; 第四位王子举了无名指, 当然也错了; 最后, 第五位王子举起了尾指, 公主把自己的手伸出来, 和王子的尾指紧紧勾著。 婚后, 王子要出征, 和公主勾手指尾, 承诺一定会回来。 可是十年来王子一直杳无音讯。 不少王子劝她改嫁, 公主要求谁能为她戴上适合她尾指的戒指, 便和那人结婚。 可是一直以来, 都没有人做到, 直到有一天, 一个乞丐来到, 公主一视同仁给予他机会。 乞丐把尾指伸出来, 和公主的尾指紧勾著, 原来他就是失踪多年的王子。 他们终于相逢, 可是第二天王子却消失了。 原来王子已经死了, 他是为了实践承诺, 所以化为鬼魂回来, 七七四十九天他便要走, 和公主重逢的那一天, 就是最后一天。 公主最后找到了王子的尸骨, 在他身旁自杀恂情。 2)勾手指尾的故事 系英国到有个好靓既公主,所以有好多国家嫁王子都黎求婚.公主千辛万苦先选出最后五位王子. 于是公主出了一条是题目讲边个可以估到公主系背后伸出来的是尾指的话就嫁比佢,于是印度的王子伸拇指,韩国的王子伸食指,中国的王子伸中指,日本的王子伸无名指,最后法国的王子伸出和公主一样的尾指.公主仲用勾尾指作为结婚的见证. 三年之后王子要去十字军东征临走之前,王子和公主勾手指尾和应成公主要活着回来. 咁样十年就过去左,王子都仲系未番黎.公主都一直系到等,但系黎求婚既人就好似火车站既排队人龙咁多,于是公主终于等唔到要嫁比一个可以同佢勾手指尾的人,但系每个黎求婚既人见到公主伸手指尾一系帮公主戴介指一系就睇住公主只手指尾. 当公主绝望既时间有位著住斗篷既神秘男人黎左求婚最初看城门戈个都唔比佢入既,但系公主一视同仁,于是比佢试下,当公主伸出手指尾戈阵时,神秘人同样伸出尾指同公主勾手指尾.公主觉得很其怪于是揭起神秘人既斗篷,公主一睇,发现佢系失踪多年既王子. 就系戈日既夜晚王子唔见左,之后公主收到消息知道王子系回国途中比人暗杀死左.而王子既灵魂会系四十九日之后就会消失.而戈日就系王子既最后一日. 公主知道王子系为左承诺所以番来比公主见最后一面. 公主好伤心,当佢见到士兵带左王子既尸首番黎戈阵时,公主就立刻抱着死了的王子,最后公主决定要死系王子身边.当公主临死之前,佢讲左段说话:「我一生中冇对你作出咩承诺,但系我对你既爱系永恒的承诺.」于是公主就勾著王子的手指尾死左.于是手指尾成为左承诺的标志.
参考: connis.deardiary/show/diaries/99359/1086480000,.geocities/thor2046_my/t1
A pinky promise (also known as a pinky swear) is made when a person wraps one of their pinky fingers around the other person's pinky and makes a promise. Traditionally
it's considered binding
and the idea was originally that the person who breaks the promise must cut off his pinky finger. In a similar vein
among members of the Japanese yakuza (gangsters)
the penalty for various offenses is removal of parts of the little finger (known as yubitsume). Also in Japan
a little finger symbolizes the one's best girl
whereas a thumb symbolizes the one's best man. Thus a little finger held up and referred to as "this(コレ)" during a conversation paraphrases that the addressed woman is in relationship with somebody. This pinky substitution is considered vulgar and old-fashoned
in some anime scenes is intentionally used to enhance its silliness. In China
if one holds up a little finger at another
it is usually considered vulgar
just as holding up a middle finger in the United States and other countries is generally regarded as offensive. In addition
in the United States
wearing a ring on the pinky finger has some symbolic meaning. The pinky finger is the relationship finger. If you wear a ring on the pinky finger
you are open and loving. In Korea
The story goes: A princess chooses her prince to be wed
when asked what finger she was holding out. She must find a Prince to unite Pinkys for their matrimony. After the Princess had gotten married with this prince
he later parted ways for war and he'd made a pinky promise for his return. On the 49th day after his disappearance
he came back
but only to realize he came back as a ghost. As the prince kept his promise
he after death. In India
holding up the little finger is also a signal of "katti" or a broken friendship
a sign that someone is angry
or a playful suggestion that the person flashing the pinky is not going to speak to you. In India
holding up the pinky is a signal that the person has to urinate. Similarly
in Indonesia
when a man points his pinky finger downward it is a signal that he needs to urinate. In Turkey
it's tradition to link pinky fingers when o people are making a bet. In Judai ***
it is customary to extend one's arm and pinky finger to the Torah as it is lifted following its reading in the Synagogue. The Iron Ring is a symbolic ring worn by some Canadian engineers. The Ring is a symbol of both pride and humility for the engineering profession
and is always worn on the little finger of the dominant hand. (A similar ritual is performed in the United States called the Order of the Engineer). In the Balk
a solitary long fingernail on the pinky finger of a man signifies that he is single. The Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority holds their pinky finger in the air as a (Greek) greeting to their fellow sisters. In Russia
when o people are French-kissing
it is customary to often link pinky fingers together. In the United Kingdom
it used to be considered a social requirement to raise one's little finger whilst drinking a beverage out of a cup or mug.