

第1个回答  2013-11-28
Nowadays microschool has become the homeguard of new thoughts and new products with a quantity of more than 200 kinds. The employees in microschool has risen to 18000 while the profits has reached 60 billion dollars. As to 1992, at least 3400 employees had been millionars for holding shares.Gates said he wanted to continue running the company for ten years and promised that he would center on his family conduct and donation ten years later, which does not mean the last thing you hear about. In the developed countries, nearly everyone has been using or is using his products. people watch dreamfactory--made movies by surfing the internet through microbrowser. The only thing people dont know is what he will do in the future.
第2个回答  2013-11-28
我会翻译 但整的没看过“新视野大学英语”。就烦劳您把打出来吧。实在不行 你在网上找一下,把文剪过来,我在线等着 帮你翻译你看行不?
第3个回答  2013-11-28
第4个回答  2013-11-28