

第1个回答  2015-04-19
Four Seasons

Spring is an enlightening season in which there is great anticipation of the events it brings. During this season, people are busy putting away their snow blowers and bringing out their lawn mowers. Kids are packing away their snowsuits and sleds and bringing out their new bikes and shorts. The birds return flapping their wings in the sky as if to get everyone’s attention. Along with the birds return all the other animals. I am aware of their presence through traces of deer tracks in the mud and the loud chattering of squirrels among themselves. The snow from the previous season melts its way back to the Elk River. The sound of waves flowing down stream and crashing against boulders, interrupting central flow, is easing. The wind is calm and, at a slow pace, carries away the redundant remnants of the dreary winter. The distinct smell of melted snow fills the air as it seeps into the dirt, creating mud. The sun bounces off my forehead, making me feel warm on the inside. It is a comforting feeling like the one you get after a long, hot shower.

In the Fall, everything that we were so busy finding now goes back into its boxes and rest until Spring finds its way back to The Snow Valley. Still, there is very much going on. Neighbors talk of the events of the past month and the plans for the ones coming. They gather the last of their raspberries from their trees in the backyard which surround the now barren garden. The taste of the fully ripe fruits from the berry bushes is a sweet sensation which gives the tongue reason to dance. The sun cools down again and quietly retreats. The Earth is blanketed by a cold chill meant to prepare us for what is to come. I get goose bumps all over my body. The sky is still, as if preparing to shed its white tears. The birds leave shouting in the sky as though they are saying farewell, for now. The Spring and Autumn are active seasons which often go unnoticed because they blend so well with each other.


Winter would arrive in time to cover the naked trees and bushes with a white gown of fine, cold fabric sparkling in the sunlight. The landscape would once again appear to be from a fairytale on mornings so cold the fog would freeze on the trees. It was magical. The wonderful thing about our area, though, was that the snow didn't stick around all winter. We would get a big snowfall, then the sun would come back out and the meltdown would begin. Soon, we could see dry ground again and it would stay that way until the next snow fall. Having that mix made every snow storm a magical thing to me, but just as everyone was getting tired of the snow, spring would show signs of being just around the corner as flowers would bravely show their colorful heads above a light dusting of snow. We knew it was only a little while until the snow would be just a memory until the next winter. Skis would be put away, sleds hung up in the garage and our bikes taken down and made ready for our use.

In summer, everything is neat and clean. The earth is dry. Hence, there is no mud or marsh. Ways and paths are open to very place. Mangoes ripe in summer. We get plenty of mangoes. we get jack-fruits and pineapples. The shady groves of mango and palm trees are cool and beautiful. The cuckoo has not yet ceased to sing her music. The grass-hoppers make their merry dance on the cool blades of grass. In Summer, the days are long. Hence we get more times to work. Even in summer comes last. So, the school-children got more times to play. The Summer flowers bloom in the evening. All the night they speared their sweet smell. The summer sky is clear and blue. Hence, the moon beams bright. Summer causes the rainy seasons. Because it evaporated water and stores the vapors in the atmosphere. These vapors turn into clouds and fall as rain.本回答被网友采纳