地道美语表达【5】斗转星移 物是人非


第1个回答  2023-02-12

  片语A horse of a different color从表面上看指“一匹不同颜色的马”?这到底是什么意思呢?原来大约在19世纪,由于马在世界各地被普遍的用于耕作、运输和战争,但是有一种现象是,当我们远远的看到一匹马时,咋一瞥,印象中马是一种颜色,但走近后仔细一看,却发现颜色根本不一样,所以后来人们就用这个片语来形容全然不同的情况,今非昔比的情形了。用英文解释就是something that is completely different from another thing.比如:

  Last year the football team was a worse team among the league, but this year the situation is a horse of a different color, the team has beat all of others.



  Before liberation, it was impossible for the Chinese people to enjoy their life under the oppression of "the three big mountains". But after 1949, it's a horse of a different color; the Chinese people have become masters themselves.


  在美语中,如果要表达情况完全不同的意思,人们也常说The shoe is on the other foot.从字面上看,这个片语的意思是“这鞋子在另一支脚上”。可能是因为人们的脚长大了,原来的鞋子只能适合别的(小一点的)脚吧,所以美国人这样来表示情况的不同和时事的变迁。以前人们书信来往以表达自己长长的思念,可如今情况不同了,一个伊妹儿,又快又准。看看下面这个句子是怎样说的:

  Historically, the young expresses their loving feelings each other in the way to send a letter. However, nowadays, the shoe is on the other foot, they do it in the way to send an email.


  不过,现在在英国英语中,人们使用这个片语时,更强调的是情况完全相反而不仅仅是不同,他们对这个片语的解析用了一个比较贴切的说法:It used to say something which is in a situation in the past is now in another situation which is completely opposite.还是废话少说,来看个例句吧!

  Tom was a millionaire five years ago, but now the shoe is on the other foot. He has nothing except carrying heavy debts.


  结束语:十年前和现在比有太多的不同,我们在念中学的时候,同学们都一个样,可十年后情况就完全不同了,the shoe is on the other foot, It is a horse of different color. 他们中有的担任着政府要职,有的自己开办了公司,有的只是一般工人而已。