
1李明在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好 (settle; get along with)2如果你不想和我在一起,你就收拾东西走人(pack up)3战争期间,我受了很多苦,我用日记记下自己的经历,以便老了以后能够记住(suffer;set down)

第1个回答  2013-11-17
Liming Gets along well with his neighbors after he settles.2.you can pak up and go if you don't loke to saty with me.3.During war, i suffered much, I set down my experience so that I could rememder it after I get old.
第2个回答  2013-11-17
1.After settleing down here,Liming get along well with neighbors.2.If you don't want to stay with me,you should pack your things up and leave here.3.During the war,I suffered a lot,and I set dowm my experiences in diary to remeber these until I 'm old.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2013-11-17
1.After setting here ,liming get alone well with neighbourds.2.If you don't wanna stay with me ,you could pack up
3.During the war ,i was suffing ,and i set down what i've experienced to recall my memory.
第4个回答  2013-11-17
1After settling down here,Liming got along well with neighbors2If you don't want to be with me,you can pick up your thin
第5个回答  2013-11-17
1,Since Li ming settled here He gets along well with neighbours