
主要介绍三亚 以及三亚的一些旅游景点 略带介绍三亚的一部分历史 和未来的发展 谢谢拉
能否介绍两三个具体的三亚景点 如亚龙湾 天涯海角 南山寺等 由于演说的时候要有ppt 所以要更具体一些 不然显得空洞 谢谢

第1个回答  2010-10-03
Sanya is superior in geography climate and natural resources. It is known as " the oriental Hawaii" and " Sunshine City" because of its special tropical scenes as well as its attractive nature. Sanya's tourist resources, richly endowed by nature, are not only special in China, but also rare in the world. It is a most fashionable place where tropical marine tourist resources are closely concentrated and lovers of swimming can enjoy their holidays in winter.
Within the city, well-known tourist spots are dotted everywhere--the national Yalong Tourist Area, the Tianyahaijia, the Great Eastern Sea, the Luhuitou Peninsula, Sanya Bay and the Luobi Grotto. Besides these, there remain the ancient Yazhou City and relics and a sculpture of the Monk Jianzhen of the Tang Dynasty, who landed ashore to avoid the storm when he was sailing eastwards to Japan. Now the Buddhist Cultural Sightseeing spot has been partly completed and opened to the public. The Nation Hot Springs area is now under construction. It is rare that a city can concentrate all such resources: sunshine, seawater, beaches, climate, forest, animals, hot springs, grottos, customs and countryside. According to statistics, the average per capita life span of Sanya people has risen to 74.5 year old, the highest in China.

Tianyahaijiao which means the end of sky and the corner of the sea, is located at the southwest seaside of Sanya city, Hainan Island. The overall plan of the scenic spot includes a land area of 10. 4square kilometres and a sea area of 6 square kilometre.
Roaming in Tianyahaijiao, you can see the dreamlike coastal scenery in the fantastic southern atmosphere and you will be lost in wild and fanciful thoughts: Is there a sea beyond the sea and a sky beyond the sky?本回答被提问者采纳