请帮忙翻译一下, 谢谢 m

我们暂时没有你想要那种产品,目前阶段,我们只有 3种功能可以选择,并且里面的Feature 是固定的。

第1个回答  2015-01-20
The product you want is currently not available with us. At present stage, there are only three functions of products at choice, in which the feature involved are fixed.

Based on the consideration of our product engineers, too many functions or selling-points being developed would have been only leading to the increased testing difficulities for us, as a result, the progress of our product's market launch might also be directly afftected. In fact, the functions of our product have already been enough to meet the demand of daily life.来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2015-01-20
We do not have the kind of product you want at this stage, we are only three kinds of functions can be selected, and the inside of the Feature is fixed.
Since then our engineers take into account if too many features or selling R & D, this will lead us to greatly increase the difficulty of the test, will directly affect market schedule. In fact, our products have been sufficient to meet the daily needs of the function.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-01-20
At the moment, we do not carry the product(或者只是功能不足就用features) that you are looking for. There are only 3 fixed functions of choice.
Considering that by adding too many features or selling points may greatly prolong the launch date of the product due to the increased time spent on QA testing. Our engineers feel that this product can easily deal with common daily needs.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2015-01-20
I am very sorry to say that we don't have the product that you asked, and we could offer you only 3 kinds of founctions which all the feature have been fixed so far.we may have lots of difficulties in testing and undesirable influence on time to market if our engineers created more functions or selling points. Honestly to say,our products could be able to meet demand of daily life.