

第1个回答  2010-10-07
The student union will hold a English speech contest.Please write a notice about 100 words with following requests in English.Time of the notice is 5.oct.2010.
1.purpose:To improve students'level of English
2 competiters: the new senior students
3 regester time:before 10.Oct.
4 adress:the reportation hall in school
5 time:19:00.15.Oct
6 others:we will visit 5 English teachers to be our judges,and will reward 8 competitors .
7 organizaters:The Student Union本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-10-07
啊 ,笨蛋
第3个回答  2010-10-07
in order to improve the oral english of our students,we plan to hold a english speech contest recently.
this contest is for fresh students in grade one ,anyone wants to join is welcome ,and please sign up before NOV 10 .this contest is planned to take place in the meeting room of our school ,at 7:00 nov 15
we will invite 5 english teachers to act as assessor ,and the top 8 will be praised.
this activity is organised by the students union.
nov 5th 2010
第4个回答  2010-10-08
Student once held the English speech contest, please follow the request use English to write about 100 words a notice. Notice for the 2010 time on November 5.
1 objective: to improve students' English level with a
2 participants range: higher rebirth
Time: 3) on November 10th
5 games: the school auditorium
Time: 6 November 15, 7 PM
Seven other: invite five English teacher when the judges, reward top eight
8. Organizers: students