

第1个回答  2022-11-17

1. 英语组作文:假设你是李华,去年暑假去英国旅游,回来后英语老师要

This summer holiday I have been to England and had a great time. Now I would like to share something interesing with you.

In England, I always find people like eating fresh meat and vegetables and they told me that that's why they keep healthy. Speaking of cars, in England, cars all running on the left side which is different from China. If you exceed the speed limit, you will be fined seriously. What's more, it is very impolite to ask people about their salary and age in this country. Besides, when you are lining up, you can't jump the queue. This is the rule in the society and people all follow it. At last, when you are shopping, you can't bargain with others.

This is England. It really made me impressive. I hope I can go there one more time.

2. 写一篇英语作文:假设你是李华,暑假你去英国旅游,可是回来后忘

To whom it might be concened,

Hello, My name is Hua Li. I stayed in your hotel during my vocation. As i left, I found that I left my camara in your hotel room, and the room number is 202. The model of my camara is Canon LXUS860. This camara is very important to me because it is my 18th birthday gift from my father. I really need to have it back, however, I have already gone back to China. I am now just wondering in case that you find my camara, could you please send it back to me with registered mail? I will be respondsible for all the shipping charge. Here is my address, Apt. 302, 9910-104st, HongKong, China. The postal code is 538000. Thank you very much! All you have done to me is appricaited. Have a very wonderful day.

3. 去泰国旅游回来写作文,用什么题目合适





4. 写一篇关于旅游的英语作文:My happy trip

Last holiday, I took part in a school trip to visit Beijing. We went to Beijing by bus. First, we visited the Summer Palace, and then visited the Great Wall. It's one of the wonder in the world. We took a lot of photos there. We stayed there to have a rest, too. In the afternoon, we went to the Wangfujing Street and bought some beautiful things. I love them very much. At last, we went back home by train in the evening.

It's a happy trip. I love this trip and I love Beijing, too.


5. 英语作文 假如你是李华 你和你家人去朋友Mary所在城市伦敦旅游 回来

Dear mary:

how are you doing these days? I write this letter for expressing our appreciation of your great entertainment .

we have a very nice treavel in London,and have a wonderful impression on the senery there.London is a very beautiful city .

Not only the views but also the delicious food excited us.Facing this charming city and its abundant culture,we deeply felt it's really a huge honor.

would you like to accept our invitation for travelling in China?We sincerely wish you a pleasure journey here.

Expresses our thanks once more .Have a nice day !

6. 急求一篇关于去美国旅游的英语作文

The Culture of the United States is a Western culture, and has been developing since long before the United States became a country. Today the United States is a diverse and multi-cultural nation. The types of food served at home vary greatly and depend upon the region of the country and the family's own cultural heritage. Recent immigrants tend to eat food similar to that of their country of origin, and Americanized versions of these cultural foods, such as American Chinese cuisine or Italian-American cuisine often eventually appear. German cuisine also had a profound impact on American cuisine, especially the mid-western cuisine, with potatoes and meat being the most iconic ingredients in both cuisines.[3] Dishes such as the hamburger, pot roast, baked ham and hot dogs are examples of American dishes derived from German cuisine The primary, although not official, language of the United States is American English. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, more than 97% of Americans can speak English well, and for 81% it is the only language spoken at home. Nearly 30 million native speakers of Spanish also reside in the US. There are more than 300 languages besides English which can claim native speakers in the United States—some of which are spoken by the indigenous peoples (about 150 living languages) and others which were imported by immigrants. American Sign Language, used mainly by the deaf, is also native to the country. Hawaiian is also a language native to the United States, as it is indigenous nowhere else except in the state of Hawaii. Spanish is the second most mon language in the United States, and is one of the official languages, and the most widely spoken, in the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. There are four major regional dialects in the United States: northeastern, south, inland north, and midwestern. The Midwestern accent (considered the "standard accent" in the United States, and *** ogous in some respects to the received pronunciation elsewhere in the English-speaking world) extends from what were once the "Middle Colonies" across the Midwest to the Pacific states.。