

第1个回答  2016-04-21
Polite and security
China's ancient civilization, has "the formal state" laudatory name. Polite is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, is our country, our national civilization and progress of performance.
Our beloved premier zhou has always been known as polite model. Once, premier zhou surnamed zhu's haircut, please master to shave him, just blow to a half, premier zhou suddenly coughed, and teacher didn't watch out, blew a small cut, and master felt a thrill of tenseness, favour say: "I work not ready, I'm really sorry prime minister." Premier zhou smile relieved he said: "how can blame you! All my fault cough didn't greet you. Also thanks to your knife hide fast." Afterwards, premier zhou also repeatedly to say thank you, try to eliminate master zhu zhu teacher concerns.
We should speak the civilization from pupils, polite, language and behaviors are polite, cultured and not rude, must learn how to use courtesy. To their superiors to talk to the teacher, and other respect, to call the "you"; Ask others to do or to help when, want to communicate with tone say "please"; Others helped themselves to say "thank you"; When someone thank you or something to thank you, say "don't hesitate" or "it's all right"; When you accidentally discourages others or to others, to add trouble initiative say "I'm sorry"; Morning to go to school or on road to meet teachers, students, friends or other acquaintances, should take the initiative to say "hello", said "you early", "hello"; Break up saying "goodbye" each other. Speak, attitude to kind, humility, gentle, kind, decent, and never say dirty word, coarse language, you should stick to speak mandarin.本回答被网友采纳