NBA<<where amazing happens>>的那首钢琴曲调叫什么名字?


第1个回答  2014-03-21
Carly Comando的everyday 钢琴曲 (下载地址)Where heart happens. Where friends becoming foes happens. Where are you kidding me happens. Where nowhere to hide happens. Where good luck next round happens. Where immovable happens. Where discussion happens. Where bloody nose happens. Where regret happens. Where commitment happens. Where anticipation happens. Where never meant to happen happens. Where tomorrow happens. Where amazing happens 广告分3段 第一段: Where anticipation happens. 见证预判之地 两只跳球的手 Where 81 points happens. 见证81分之地 科比大神 Where afro happens. 见证爆炸头之地 大本 Where never meant to happen happens. 见证不可思议之地 勇士上赛季的黑八奇迹(Baron Davis) Where 长城 happens. 见证长城之地 姚明对钱德勒 Where tomorrow happens. 见证明日之地 勒布朗的扣篮 Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地 第2段: Where immovable happens. 见证纹丝不动之地 德文.哈里斯撞上鲨鱼 Where discussion happens. 见证争论之地 斯隆被罚出场 Where bloody nose happens. 见证血鼻之地 2007-5-6,马刺对太阳,纳什鼻梁受伤 Where regret happens. 见证悔恨之地 罚丢球的坎比 Where short shorts happened. 见证短裤之地 50代的湖人 Where commitment happens. 见证承诺之地 邓肯与帕克(不太了解何谓承诺) Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地 第3段: Where heart happens. 见证心之地 狼王KG Where friends becoming foes happens. 见证兄弟反目之地 大本与拉希德(两个曾是冠军队友的华莱士) Where are you kidding me happens. 见证“你在开玩笑吗”之地 新土豆扣篮王内特.罗宾逊(身高175飞跃170的WEBBER) Where 1.3 seconds left happens. 见证还剩1.3秒之地 猜测是季后赛的某场最后时刻 Where nowhere to hide happens. 见证无处可藏之地 掘金被淘汰时的安东尼(但最后一投不是他投的) Where good luck next round happens. 见证下一轮好运之地 纳什与邓肯(季后赛马刺再次淘汰太阳)
第2个回答  2014-03-21
找部钢琴 慢慢找