

第1个回答  2019-01-02

Hey, I'm Mark很高兴你可以在这么多房源中看到并对我这套房子感兴趣,在这里,你既可以结识新朋友,又可以像本地人一样生活。Glad you are interested in my apartment among all options.You make new friends in your journey and live as natives in the town. 每年我都会安排长长的几次假期,曾骑行滇藏线,自驾318317,穿越阿里转山冈仁波齐。如果你也喜欢这些地方,我们一定可以聊很多话题。My friends and I arrange long term road trips every year. Tibet and Xinjiang are my favorite destinations, and I’d love to share my trips and tips if you are also interested in these topics.我在上海生活十多年了,相信在你短暂的停留中,我会有所帮助。I've been living in SH for more than 15 years, hope you will find me helpful during your stay with the city.

