
我要写论文了,要求摘要必须是英文的,但是我的英文奇烂无比,哭!相信对于英文好的朋友就是小菜一碟啦,所以,拜托啦!这段话“摘要: 随着技术和市场的发展,企业产品的销售和利润都会出现一个由弱到强,又由盛到衰的过程,因此持续地开发新产品是企业长期生存和发展的必要条件。然而,在一个产品饱和、购买周期短以及精明的消费者零售环境中,新产品推出市场具有巨大的风险,约有八成新产品在上市的头三年便会消失,企业花费大量资金研制开发出来的新产品在市场上往往只是昙花一现。新产品的成功上市可以带动销售业绩与市场占有率的增长,强化利润结构,并巩固其市场地位。对于不同的企业,新产品上市的策略是不相同的,因为世界上没有背景、资源完全相同的企业。为了能给企业提高新产品上市的成功几率和促进企业的生存发展有些帮助,本文在这里特对新产品上市的营销策略做出浅论。”

第1个回答  2010-04-29
Abstract: As technology and the market's development, enterprise sales and profits will appear a weak to strong, then the process from prosperity to decline, it continued to develop new product long-term survival and development of the enterprise a necessary condition. However, saturation in a product, buy a short cycle and the smart consumer retail environment, great new products to market risk, some Ba Chengxin products listed on the first three years will disappear, companies spend a lot of money out of research and development new products in the market are often short-lived. Successful listing of new products can drive sales and market share growth, strengthen the profit structure, and strengthen its market position. For different companies, new products to market strategy is not the same, because the world does not have the background, exactly the same corporate resources. In order to give enterprises to improve the probability of success of new products to market and promote the survival and development of enterprises some help here, especially on this new marketing strategy to market and make light of. "
第2个回答  2010-04-28
Abstract:with the technology and market development, corporate sales and profits will appear a weak to strong, but also from prosperity to decline in the process, so continuous development of new products is the enterprise survival and development of the necessary long-term conditions. However, saturation in a product, buy a short cycle and the smart consumer retail environment, great new products to market risk, some Ba Chengxin products listed on the first three years will disappear, companies spend a lot of money out of research and development new products in the market are often short-lived. New products can drive the success of market sales and market share growth, strengthen the profit structure, and strengthen its market position. For different companies, new products to market strategy is not the same, because the world does not have the background, exactly the same corporate resources. In order to give enterprises to improve the probability of success of new products to market and promote the survival and development of enterprises some help here, especially this new marketing strategy to market and make light of.
第3个回答  2010-04-27
Abstract: with the development of technology and the market, the enterprise product sales and profits will appear a from weak to strong, and from the failure process, thus to continuously develop new products for the survival and development of enterprises is the necessary condition. However, in a product, the buying cycle is short and astute consumer retail environment, new product launch market has great about 80 percent of the risk, and new products in the first three years of the listed companies will disappear, spend a lot of money developing new products on the market often just a flash in the pan. The success of new product sales and market can promote the growth of market share, and consolidate its profit structure, market position. For different enterprises, new products of the same strategy is not, because the world is identical to the enterprise, the resources. In order to improve the success rate of new products to market and promote enterprise's survival and development, this paper here some help to new products marketing strategy to shallow theory.

第4个回答  2010-04-28
Abstract: with the development of technology and the market, the enterprise product sales and profits will appear a from weak to strong, and from the failure process, thus to continuously develop new products for the survival and development of enterprises is the necessary condition. However, in a product, the buying cycle is short and astute consumer retail environment, new product launch market has great about 80 percent of the risk, and new products in the first three years of the listed companies will disappear, spend a lot of money developing new products on the market often just a flash in the pan. The success of new product sales and market can promote the growth of market share, and consolidate its profit structure, market position. For different enterprises, new products of the same strategy is not, because the world is identical to the enterprise, the resources. In order to improve the success rate of new products to market and promote enterprise's survival and development, this paper here some help to new products marketing strategy to shallow theory.本回答被提问者采纳