英语作文,急急急!!! 60-80词 张萍是九年级学生,学习任务很重,她认为她非常努力,可是她的成

英语作文,急急急!!! 60-80词 张萍是九年级学生,学习任务很重,她认为她非常努力,可是她的成绩还是不理想,假如你是李华,请你给她写一封信,提出建议,帮助她提高成绩。[开头为 I'm sorry to hear that you are under too much pressure ]

第1个回答  2014-05-18
I'm sorry to hear that you are under too much pressure.I know you're now learning task is heavy, you think you're working very hard, but you still are not ideal, perhaps you are wrong, physical and learning, health is more important. You should pressure to relax the brain for learning. In ninth grade, academic stress is pretty heavy, but so do I, if I were you, I will try to finish his homework before supper, not finished, I will take a shower, and continued to write. After writing to review or preview content, listen to songs before going to bed, relax again, this is my good habits and good advice.
Your friend: Li hua
第2个回答  2014-05-10
第3个回答  2014-05-12
网上搜 很多啊