

第1个回答  2023-02-26
【 #英语资源# 导语】腊八节,即每年农历十二月八日,又称为“法宝节”“佛成道节”“成道会”等。本为佛教纪念释迦牟尼佛成道之节日,后逐渐也成为民间节日。下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Every year, I will have a very happy Laba Festival. Come and share my happy Laba Festival with you!

  Laba porridge is cooked for me on this day every year. It is said that in ancient times, evil spirits always came out on the Laba day of the lunar calendar to frighten children. However, the evil ghost is not afraid of heaven and earth. He is only afraid of red beans. Therefore, there is the saying of "red beans" beating ghosts, so adults boil Laba porridge with red beans, mung beans, peanuts and raisins, that is, Babao porridge. Looking at the purple rice porridge, scoop some purple porridge with a spoon and taste it carefully, you will feel that it is not porridge, but a small bean exhibition. The delicate smell of beans and the mellow smell of rice make you drink another bowl of purple porridge.

  After drinking Laba porridge, I began to do the second thing, that is Laba garlic. The garlic soaked in Laba is no longer white, but green or yellow on New Year's Eve. The green garlic is crystal clear, like a flawless emerald, and the Yellow garlic is like sweet dried apricots. Eating the emerald and dried apricot garlic, I wish you could eat more delicious dumplings. First of all, I found all kinds of sealed cans, large and small, from the cabinet according to grandma's instructions, then peeled the Purple Garlic and put it into the jar, finally put the aged vinegar into the sealed jar, cover the lid, and put a jar of Laba garlic into the jar.

  Busy with new year's Eve supplies, I began to prepare new year's food. First of all, I put all kinds of fruits, dried fruits and melon seeds on the table, then cleaned the plates on the table, and put the dried fruits, melon seeds and fruits on the plate one by one. Grandma smiled and said, "my child has grown up quietly." After putting the platter in place and looking at the various platters on the table, I couldn't help laughing in my heart. After all, it was my hard work.

  On this day, I learned from my grandmother about the custom of Laba Festival in Beijing. I learned that the Laba Festival in Beijing not only needs to eat Laba porridge and soak Laba garlic, but also drink a bowl of hot sheep bone soup.

  There are many customs of Laba Festival. Let's share it with you today. I wish you all a happy Laba Festival tomorrow.


  Every Laba day, every family has to make Laba porridge. In the Qing Dynasty, the custom of drinking Laba porridge was even more popular. At the court, the Emperor gave Laba porridge to the Minister of civil and military affairs. In the folk, every family should also make Laba porridge to sacrifice their ancestors; At the same time, families get together to eat and give gifts to relatives and friends.

  Laba porridge is also called Qibao Wuwei porridge. China has a history of drinking Laba porridge for more than 1000 years. It first began in the Song Dynasty. Every Laba day, every family has to make Laba porridge. In the Qing Dynasty, the custom of drinking Laba porridge was even more popular. At the court, the Emperor gave Laba porridge to the Minister of civil and military affairs. In the folk, every family should also make Laba porridge to sacrifice their ancestors; At the same time, families get together to eat and give gifts to relatives and friends.

  "Laba" is also a grand festival of Buddhism. In the past, Buddhist temples all over the country held bathing Buddha meetings and cooked porridge for Buddha. It is said that after eating, you can get the blessing of the Buddha and increase your happiness and longevity. So people call it "Buddha porridge". Lu You of the Southern Song Dynasty said: "at present, the Buddha porridge is more fed, and the festival in Jiangcun is new."

  There are many kinds of Laba porridge in China, especially in Beijing. There are no less than 20 kinds of red dates and lotus seeds in the porridge. On the evening of the seventh day of the lunar new year, he began to get busy, washing rice and soaking fruit. He began to cook at midnight and stewed until the next morning. Do you think it's so complicated that it doesn't taste good? People who are fastidious must first carve the fruit into various patterns and then cook it in a pot. After the Laba porridge is cooked, we should worship the gods and ancestors first. After that, give gifts to relatives and friends. Be sure to send them out before noon. The last is for the whole family.

  A bowl of porridge has so much knowledge that China is really a civilized country! I'm so proud of being Chinese!


  Sunday, XX, 20XX

  Every year on Laba Festival, grandma will cook a pot of Laba porridge for us. That morning, grandma came home with a bag full of vegetables and began to get busy in the kitchen. She told my parents and I to go home early in the afternoon for Laba porridge. It is said that in ancient times, evil spirits always came out on the Laba day of the lunar calendar to frighten children. However, the evil ghost is not afraid of heaven and earth. He is only afraid of red beans. Therefore, there is the saying of "red beans" beating ghosts, so adults boil Laba porridge with red beans, mung beans, peanuts and raisins, that is, Babao porridge.

  My grandmother's Laba porridge is more colorful: there are rice, carrots, green vegetables, peanuts, soybeans, lotus seeds, ginkgo, tofu, fungus, red dates and other ingredients. In the past, when my grandmother cooked Laba porridge, I always liked to watch nearby. My grandmother added enough water in the pot at one time. First boil the soybeans, lotus seeds, ginkgo, mung beans and peanuts until they are half cooked, and then add rice and a small amount of glutinous rice, When the rice blooms, grandma adds vegetables, carrots and tofu. Then she boils it over a slow fire and stirs it while boiling. Grandma says that in this way, the porridge won't paste. Looking at a pot of colorful and fragrant Laba porridge, you will immediately salivate. Scoop some porridge with a spoon and taste it carefully, which will make you feel that this is not porridge, but a small bean exhibition. In particular, the fragrance of beans coupled with the mellow taste of rice is really indescribable.

  In the evening, our family drank Laba porridge and talked about Laba. My grandmother said that my aunt's family is in Shandong. They also soak garlic on Laba every year. On New Year's Eve, garlic is no longer white, but green or yellow. The green garlic is crystal clear, like an impeccable jade. The Yellow garlic tastes sweet one by one, but we Sichuan people don't eat much. After listening to grandma, I shouted to grandma to teach me to make Laba garlic. Grandma couldn't beat me, so she taught me to make Laba garlic. According to grandma's instructions, I found all kinds of sealed cans, large and small, from the cabinet, then peeled the garlic and put it into the jar, finally put the aged vinegar into the sealed jar, covered the lid, and put a jar of Laba garlic into the jar. This year, my aunt came. I want to surprise her!


  "Laba Laba, freeze your chin". On Laba day, Xingcheng in the South ushered in a rare heavy snow.

  In the evening, I walked out of the house alone in the cold wind. I didn't do anything big. I just took a package. With the expectation of the new clothes in the package, he walked quickly on the road. I happened to see a snowflake falling slowly. Although it was only a moment, the whiteness of the snowflake stayed in my heart for a long time. The small snowflakes contain my expectation and yearning for the snow scenery in winter.

  The next day, just before dawn, I got out of bed. Before I could stretch, curiosity pushed me to the window. I gently opened the window and yawned out of the window. A cold wind sucked in. I coughed and didn't see the scene outside the window. I raised my head and widened my sleepless hazy eyes. "My God, it's snowing!" It's snowy white outside the window. Occasionally, I will find other people's fiery Spring Festival couplets, "by the way, today's Laba". Although I'm excited, I can't forget that today is Laba.

  Put on a big cotton padded jacket and slippers, and prepare to go to mother's room to tell her the good news. In her mind, she knew that she was excited after the snow, and unknowingly walked out of the door.

  A fragrance of Laba porridge flowed into my nostrils, which was the back of my mother cooking porridge in the kitchen. The hard work early in the morning brought real delicacy and the taste of youth hidden in my heart.

  Of course, the most important thing of Laba Festival is cleaning. It is not only a physical work, but also a mental one. The most difficult thing to clean up is the kitchen. The oil is attached to the stove, the range hood and the faucet. Sitting at the table, eating delicious Laba porridge, watching my hard-working mother turn around in the kitchen for the cleanliness and tidiness of the home, I couldn't help but walk into the kitchen with a mouthful of porridge and help together, even though my mother kept calling me to finish breakfast. Before long, I got cold and wet in my vest and enjoyed it.

  Paste Spring Festival couplets, our family has not forgotten

  Laba Festival is the snow scene, the eight treasure porridge, the pasting of Spring Festival couplets and the cleaning with family members. Simple, happy.

  Laba has a strong taste! The smell of new year in the city has not dispersed!


  The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is the annual Laba Festival. On this day, there is a custom of eating Laba porridge among Chinese people. Relevant experts pointed out that the Laba Festival has a history of more than 1200 years and is an important traditional festival among Chinese people.

  Zhao Zhiheng, director of Tianjin astronomical society, said that "wax" was originally a sacrifice in ancient times. In the Shang Dynasty, people held four great sacrifices in spring, summer, autumn and winter to sacrifice their ancestors and heaven and earth gods. Among them, the winter sacrifice was the largest and most solemn, which was later called "wax sacrifice". Therefore, the December of the lunar calendar is called the "twelfth lunar month", and the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is called the "twelfth lunar month". It was not until the northern and Southern Dynasties that the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month was fixed as the "Laba Festival". People used it to offer sacrifices to their ancestors and the gods of heaven and earth, praying for a good harvest and good luck. Every Laba Festival, people always have a sweet and delicious "Laba porridge".

  Experts said that "Laba porridge" has a variety of origins and legends, with different versions and opinions. In the view of Buddhism, "Laba porridge" comes from India and is a religious festival food of Buddhism. Since Buddhism was introduced into China, it has become a custom to cook Laba porridge on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. With the development of the times, the original religious meaning of Laba porridge has gradually faded, and now it has actually become a festival food with good color and taste.

  Experts pointed out that Laba itself is a traditional festival and a prelude to the New Year Festival. It can be said that Laba Festival kicked off the Spring Festival. The ballad says, "Laba, Laba, children want guns and girls want flowers." From this day on, people began to buy new year goods to welcome the annual Spring Festival.

  The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month (also known as the twelfth lunar month), commonly known as the twelfth lunar month. It was not until the northern and Southern Dynasties that the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month was fixed as the "Laba Festival". People used it to offer sacrifices to their ancestors and the gods of heaven and earth, praying for a good harvest and good luck. The original religious meaning of Laba porridge has gradually faded, and now it has actually become a seasonal food with good color and taste. Relevant experts pointed out that the Laba Festival has a history of more than 1000 years and is an important traditional festival among Chinese people.
