

第1个回答  2022-10-03
多少个星级数? 用星表示旅游涉外饭店的等级和类别,星级用五角星表示,用一颗五角星表示一星级,两颗五角星表示二星级,三颗五角星表示三星级,四颗五角星表示四星级,五颗五角星表示五星级。旅游国外饭店划分为五个星级,即一星级、二星级、三星级、四星级、五星级。星级越高,表示饭店档次越高。本标准的标志按有关标志的标准执行。 法国:官方的评鉴采「星」为符号,从一颗星、两颗星、三颗星、四颗星到豪华四星,没有五星这一级,是因为旅馆为了节税,而自动降级。非官方以「米其林轮胎公司观光部门」为依据,住宿以「洋房」为等级,餐饮则以「汤匙及叉子」为标帜 美国:(1)美国汽车协会(AAA)采用「钻石」为标帜,从一颗钻、两颗钻、三颗钻、四颗钻到五颗钻。(2)汽车旅游指南--五星:全国最好的之一;四星:出色的、值得一游;三星:特佳的;两星:非常好;一星:好 英国:英国汽车协会(AAGB),住宿以「星星」为标帜,从一颗星、两颗星、三颗星、四颗星到五颗星,餐饮则以「蔷薇」为标帜 台湾:国际观光旅馆分为五朵梅花级和四朵梅花级,一般观光旅馆为三朵梅花级和二朵梅花级 准则是谁定的? 由各国家旅 *** 政管理部门制定的 由谁评审? 分成三种类型 1由各国 *** 或 *** 委托的单位评鉴:例如台湾是由观光局来执行评鉴工作,中国大陆、义大利、韩国也是 2由旅馆业相关组织评鉴:例如美国汽车协会(AAA) 3.由旅客、旅行业或旅游相关杂志所进行评鉴 世界各地酒店的星级数是根据甚么准则评定的? 以五个星级来划分旅游饭店的依据有如下五项︰ 1饭店的建筑、装横、设备、设施条件; 2饭店的设备设施的维修保养状况; 3饭店的管理水准; 4饭店的服务质量; 5饭店的服务项目。 酒店是否一定要做评审? 开业一年以上的酒店可自愿选择做评审与否(包括宾馆、旅馆、度假村)都可以申请接受评审
英文 *** 全书对酒店的星级及分级有以下解释: Stars are often used as symbols for classification purposes. They are a mon me of ranking things by reviewers such as movies
TV shows
and hotels. For example
a set of one to five stars is monly employed to categorize hotels. A "five star hotel" However
regardless of what public or private agency performs the classification
the term five star hotel is always associated with the ultimate luxury (and
by implication
expense). The lack of standardisation has allowed marketing-driven inflation
with some hotels claiming six stars; at one point the Burj al-Arab marketed itself as "the world's first seven-star hotel". Well-established prestige hotels are usually content to claim the traditional five. General meaning of hotel rating by stars The five categories can be described (loosely) as follows: * (one star) — low budget hotel; inexpensive; may not have maid service or room service. ** (o stars) — budget hotel; slightly more expensive; usually has maid service daily. *** (three stars) — middle class hotel; moderately priced; has daily maid service
room service
and may have dry-cleaning
Inter access. **** (four stars) — first class hotel; mostly expensive (by middle-class standards); has all of the previously mentioned services; has many semi "luxury" services (for example: massages or a health spa). ***** (five stars) — luxury hotel; high price ; numerous extras to enhance the quality of the client's stay such as a private golf course or air strip. The AAA and their affiliated bodies use diamonds instead of stars to express hotel and restaurant ratings levels. Traditional systems rest heavily on the facilities provided
which is often disadvantageous to *** aller hotels whose quality of acmodation could fall into one class but the lack of an item such as an elevator would prevent it from reaching a higher categorization. Six star ratings While "six star" rating systems are known in rating the energy efficiency or water efficiency of electrical appliances
and in some fields of construction and engineering
some members of the hospitality industry have been known to claim a "six star" rating for their operation. One example is the Crown Macau casino
on Taipa Island in the Chinese territory of Macau. Another is the St. Regis Shanghai Hotel in China. The Palazzo Versace on the Gold Coast in Australia is described by Australian Traveller magazine as meriting "six star" rating though that level of rating is not used in Australia.
参考: 英文 *** 全书
是否有泳池及大小...等。 国际酒店的评级最高为五星
目的是吸引客人去选择。 国内有计多都话自己系五星级酒店
一般比起国际评级低一至两级。 日本有许多靓的酒店