
anyways i wasnt finished. i may sound like a pshyco maniac but this is true and im not just a weird hypnotist trying to get you to believe in some fake gods or something. this is real. and there is this period of time called the rapture...and when it comes (which nobody knows when it will) the ppl who are saved will go to heaven and the ones who arent will have seven more years on earth that will be awful for them and painful! there will be no water...all water will turn to blood and im not sure what else but it says it all in the bible and if you arent saved in those seven cructial years, you will go to hell and burn for eternity. this is not a joke and i dont like thinking that so many ppl will have to spend forever burning but it is going to happen so i am trying as hard as i can to reach out to ppl so that they can be saved and wlk the streets of gold in heaven with me. please consider this message and take it seriously. nobody knows how long we have until jesus comes back to earth to take those who have been saved to heaven and there are still so many ppl who have no idea who christ is. would you accept jesus into your heart today by asking him in a prayer to live with you and to let you go to heaven when you die? be sure that you know that you will go to heaven when you die.


第1个回答  2010-07-06
