五年级英语作文带翻译-The fairy in the forest


第1个回答  2023-01-21
One day, I went to the forest with my dragon and little dolphin.

“Look,” said the little dolphin. “there’s a fairy over there!”. I saw her. So I rushed to the fairy and said: “Can you take me my dragon and my, little dolphin to the fairy world?”

“OK.” She said. So she gave us some magic. Suddenly, I turned into a beautiful fairy, holding a magic pen.

“I can fly!” Shouted my little dolphin.

“I have a bag, It’s very very big, there’s twenty geese in it!” Said my dragon, with a big big smile.

We saw big and small plant with smiles. then I saw the flower mushroom in the Orchid valley. It said hello to me, I was still so happy. The fairy took us to an extremely beautiful bedroom. The bed was made from gold. The piano, chairs and table were made from gold. Wow! Everything was made from gold and silver. That was the most beautiful bedroom in the world!

I thanked the fairy and said: “We want to live in the fairy world happily ever after.

有一天,我去了森林龙和小海豚。 说:“看,小海豚。“那边有一个仙子!”我看见她。所以我冲到仙女说:“你能带我我的龙,我,小海豚童话世界吗?” “好吧。”她说。所以她给了我们一些魔法。突然,我变成了一个美丽的仙女,手里拿着一个神奇的钢笔。 “我能飞!“喊我的小海豚。 “我有一个包,非常非常大的,有二十个鹅!说:“我的龙,一个大微笑。 我们看到大大小小的植物,微笑。然后我看到花蘑菇兰花谷。我说你好,我还是很高兴。仙女把我们带到了一个非常漂亮的卧室。床是由黄金。钢琴,椅子和桌子是用黄金制成的。哇!一切都是由金和银。这是世界上最美丽的卧室! 我感谢仙女说:“我们想生活在童话的世界从此幸福地生活在一起。