谁能提供我雅思口语part2的范文 有40多个话题

RT 马上要考试了 自己写的头很大 望大侠们助我 是part 2 的部分 不是part1的 谢谢啦
有的大侠可以发我邮箱啊 谢谢啦 [email protected]
1 2 楼的同学谢谢你们 我要的不是topic话题 我要的是范文啦 那个发我邮箱的同学 那个好像是机经 里面很少范文啊 不过还是谢谢你们
有范文的同学麻烦你们发我邮箱 谢谢你们

第1个回答  2010-06-14

1.people close to you (family,friends,teacher…)
2.大概念的人物 (children,old people,neighbour,leader,actor…)
3.带有特定条件的人物 (the person greatly influence you,the person you dislike…)


1. Tell me about an old people you know
You should say:
Who she/he is and where he/she lives
What she/he does or did for a living
Something about her/his character
And explain why you choose to talk about this person

2. Describe an actor or actress in a film who has impressed you
You should say:
When you watched the film
What role he/she plays in the film
What the film is about
And explain why you find him/her impressive
3. Please describe a person who speaks another language
You should say:
Who the person is
Where and when you met this person
What this person is like
And explain how you communicate with him/her
4. Tell me about a successful person you know or have heard of
You should say:
Who the person is
Why he/she is considered successful
How his/her lifestyle is different from yours
And explain whether you want to be like this perosn

第2个回答  推荐于2017-12-11
第3个回答  2013-03-18

