学生成绩档案表:Student achievement file table
培养层次:Raise level
学制:Educational system
行政班级:Administrative class and grade
入学时间:Matriculation time
毕业时间:Graduation time
毕业设计:Graduation project
获得等级考试证书:Obtains the rank test certificate
毕业资格审查:Graduation qualifications examination
教务处印制:School administration office print
Natural Science
Social Sciences
humanities;humanity;The Humanities;Liberal Arts
基础会计 Basic aounting
财务会计 Financial aounting
货币银行学 Currency and banking
税法 Tax law
成本会计 Cost aounting
当代世界政治与经济 Contemporary world politics and economics
高阶财务会计 Senior Financial Aounting
会计实务 Aounting practice
会计准则 Aounting standard
财务管理 Financial management
国际贸易 International trade
教育学 Education
金融统计 Financial statistics
经济法 Economic law
统计学 Statistics
专业英语 Professional English
财务分析 Financial *** ysis
财政学 Science of finance
管理会计 Aounting for management
管理学 Management science
审计学 Auditing
市场营销 Marketing
心理学 psychics
财务应用文写作 Financial practical writing
会计教学论 Aounting Teaching theory
计算技术 puting technique
就业指导 Employment Guidance
证券投资学 Investment Securities
资产评估 assets asses *** ent
学分 credit hour
毕业实习成绩 graduation practice score
毕业论文题目 Thesis ic
应修学分 Due credit hour
实修学分 Actual credit hour
平均分成绩 Average results
教务处审定意见 examining opinion of educational administration
Deng xiaoping theory and the three represents
Computer application
Art introduction
College English a
College English o
The world economic and political
Foreign literature
Overview of munication
Television program manufacture
Social psychology
College English three
Documentary creation
Audio-visual language
Film sound art
TV clip art
TV programs director
Television art choreographer
Film high-quality goods interpretation
Practice and graduation thesis
Graduation design
马克思主义哲学原理 the fundamentals of Marxist philosophy
*** 理论概论 Introduction of Deng Xiaoping Theory
马克思主义政治经济学原理 The Principle of Marxist Political Economics
大学英语(预备二)College English Sub-band o
大学英语(一) College English 1
大学英语(二) College English 2
大学英语(三) College English 3
计算机文化基础 puter culture and fundamentals
资讯检索 Information retrieval
艺术概论 Introduction to art
古典文学(上)Classical literture(Volume one )
典文学(下) Classical literture(Volume o )
写作与语言艺术 Writing and the art of language
中国现代文学史 History of Modern Chinese Literature
古代汉语 Ancient Chinese
欧洲文学史 History of the European literature
文学概论Introduction to literature
传播学概论 Journali *** and munication
新闻理论 Theories of journali ***
中国新闻史 History of Chinese Journali ***
外国新闻史 History of Foreign Journali ***
新闻采访 News Gathering
新闻写作* News writing
新闻编辑学* News Editing
新闻评论* News mentary
社会学* sociology
新闻摄影与摄像* News photography and camera
广播新闻* Broadcast Journali ***
电视新闻* Television News
电视节目制作技术* Techniques of TV program production
报刊编辑学* Newspaper Editing Science
新闻心理学* News Psychology
口语表达* Oral expression
优秀广播电视新闻节目评析* Excellent radio and television news programs of Comment
新闻职业道德与法规* Journalistic Ethics and Journalistic Law
网路新闻传播概论* Theories of neork Journali *** and munication
媒介经营管理* Media management
广告学概论* Generality of Adverting
非线性编辑* Non Linear Editing
Student ID
Enrollment year
Training level: Undergraduate
College Students Mental Health
Situation and Policy
Computer Applications
Junior Korean
Primary Listening Korean
Junior Korean conversation
Enterprise management infrastructure
Modern Enterprise Management
Basic tes of Marxi ***
Multimedia Technology and Application
Intermediate Korean
Intermediate Korean Listening
Intermediate Spanish Conversation
Social Psychology
South Korea Overview
Outline of Modern Chinese History
Korean Culture
Contract Law
Any elective
Limit elective
马克思主义哲学原理 Principles of Marxist Philosophy
大学生思想道德修养 academic morals and ethics
计算机基础 Basis of Computer Engineering
体育 physical training
大学英语 College English
法律基础 Fundamentals of Law
综合英语Comprehensive English
马克思主义政治经济学 Marxist Political Economy
计算机基础与运用 Foundation and Application of Computer
英语阅读English Reading
英语口语 Spoken English
英语听力 English Listening Comprehension
大学音乐 Music
计算机网路 Computer Neorks
*** 思想概论 An Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought
英美概况 British & American Culture and Society
英语演讲与辩论 Public Speaking and Debating in English
*** 理论概论 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
英语语言学概论 Introduction to English Linguistics
英汉翻译 English-Chinese translation
第二外语 Second Foreign Language
高阶英语 Advanced English
美语教学法 methodology of teaching American English
西方文化 Western Culture
英语语法 English Grammar
大学语文 The University Language and Literature
英语教学法 English Teaching Methodology
视听说教程 Learning to Speak: An English Video Course
英国文学 English Literature
翻译理论和技巧 Technique & Theory in Literary Translation
英语商务谈判 Business English For Negotiation
英语词汇学 English Lexicology
外国报刊选读 Selected Readings from Foreign Newspapers and Magazines
跨文化交际 intercultural munication
英语应用文写作 English Practical Writing
美国文学史与作品选 History and Appreciation of American Literature
公共必修课 :公共必修科目
平假名:専门【せんもん】 选択科目【せんたくかもく】
平假名:限定【げんてい】 选択科目【せんたくかもく】
平假名:専门【せんもん】 选択科目【せんたくかもく】
平假名:公共【こうきょう】 选択科目【せんたくかもく】
例年【れいねん】の平均【へいきん】 単位【たんい】
在日语里 专业任选课 和 专业选修课 是一样的读法
专业任选课: 専门选択科目
专业选修课: 専门选択科目
大学语文 Japanese of a university
公文写作 Creation of an official document
民法总论 General remarks of a civil law
资料库 Data base
宪法 Constitution
法理学 Modal sexual science
法律逻辑学 Logic of a law
物权法 property law
刑法学 Criminal Law
政治经济学 Political Economy
中国法制史 Chinese legal history
合同法 Contract Law
民事诉讼法 Civil Procedural Law
刑事诉讼法 Criminal Law
行政法 Administrative law
国际法 International Law
国际私法 International Private Law
经济法 Law of Economy
侵权行为法 Tort law | Torts
商法学 Commercial Law
行政诉讼法 Administrative Procedural Law
智慧财产权法 Intellectual Property Law
财税法 Fiscal Law and Tax Law
法律社会学 Sociology of Law
法律文书 legal instruments
犯罪学 Criminology
公司法 Company law
国际经济法 International Economic Law
婚姻法 Marriage law
金融法 Financial Law
劳动法 Labor Laws
律师公证 Lawyer Notarization
公务员考试专题 Civil servant exam
国际投资法 International Investment Law
票据法 Law of negotiable instruments
司法考试专题 Uniform judicial exam
外国宪法 Foreign Constitutional Law
证据法 Law of Evidence
证券期货法 Securities and Futures Act
资源环境法 Resource Law And Environmental Law
学时 credit hours
学分 credit hour
签章 signature
学号 Sno | Number
学历 educational history
科目 Subjects
法学 jurisprudence
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