

第1个回答  2023-01-12
【 #英语口语# 导语】现在的酒店,除了为游客提供住宿服务外,也可以提供生活服务及设施,如餐饮、游戏、娱乐、宴会、会议等。以下是 整理的酒店英语口语日常用语,欢迎阅读!

1.酒店英语口语日常用语 篇一

  It won’t take long to prepare for your breakfast. 您的早餐不会用太长时间准备。

  It will take 20minutes to prepare for your lunch.您的午餐需要20分钟时间准备。

  I would like some lunch now.我想现在进午餐。

  It is Room Service here. 这是送餐服务。

  Shall I pour you some coffee now?我可以为您倒一杯咖啡吗?

  Your food and drinks will be sent up in a few minutes.您要的食品和饮料过几分钟就会送上去。

  It will be up right away.马上送上去。

  I will send someone up with your breakfast immediately.我马上叫人把您的早餐送上来。

  Our Room Service starts serving at 7 0’clock.送餐服务从7点开始。

  I am sorry,we don’t start serving lunch until 11am.对不起,我们要上午11点菜开始提供午餐服务。

2.酒店英语口语日常用语 篇二

  Room Service,may help you?送餐服务,有什么可以帮您?

  Would you please bring me some breakfast?请为我送来一份早餐,好吗?

  At what time would you like your breakfast?您希望什么时候把您的早餐送来?

  A Continental breakfast or American breakfast?是要欧式早餐还是美式早餐?

  With coffee or tea?需要咖啡还是茶?

  For how many people,please?请问要几个人的送餐?

  I will bring it up right away. 我马上把它送上来。

  Good morning,here is the Continental breakfast you ordered.早上好,这是您点的欧式早餐。

  Would you please sign the bill?请您在帐单上签名好吗?

  Thank you,enjoy your breakfast please,good-bye. 谢谢,请慢用,再见。

3.酒店英语口语日常用语 篇三

  Housekeeping,may I come in?客房服务,我可以进来吗?

  I’m sorry to disturb you,sir.对不起,打扰您了,先生。

  May we clean your room now,sir?先生,我们可以现在打扫您的房间吗?

  Well,I’m a bit tied up at the moment. 哦,我现在正忙着呢。

  What time would you like us to come back?您希望我什么时候再来?

  Shall I come back later,sir?先生,我过会再来好吗?

  We will come and clean your room immediately.我们马上就来打扫您的房间

  Your room will be ready in half an hour.您的房间过半小时就会打扫干净。

  I’m afraid no cleaning can be done between 12noon and 2pm. May we come between 2pm and 3pm?

  It’s already noon,and our room hasn’t been made up yet.已经快到中午了,我的房间还没打扫。

  Just let us know what you need,and if we can,we will oblige.如果您需要什么,就告诉我们,只要是做得到的,我们都会尽力为您效劳。

4.酒店英语口语日常用语 篇四

  Did you enjoy your meal?你吃的满意吗?

  May I take this way?我可以撤掉这个吗?

  May I make out the bill for you now?现在可以为您结帐吗?

  Here is the dish you ordered,and you another sweet and sour pork is coming soon. 这是您点的菜,您点的另一道餐咕噜牛肉马上就会送上来。

  I’m afraid there is a mistake,I ordered a sweet and sour garoupa. 恐怕 您搞错了,我点的是咕噜羊肉。

  I will check,I am afraid there is no mistake,this is the dish you ordered. 我来查一查,恐怕我们没有搞错,这道菜是您点的。

  I don’t think I want it. May I change it?我不要这道菜了,可以换吗?

  Is my order coming pretty soon?I’ve been waiting for a long time. 我点的菜是不是马上就会上来?我已经等了很久了。

  Oh,that takes quite a while to prepare. 哦,这道菜需要一段时间才能做好。

  I have appointment at noon. Could you tell the cooks to hurry?我中午有一个约会,你能告诉厨师稍快点好吗?

5.酒店英语口语日常用语 篇五

  Good afternoon,sir. Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation?下午好先生,欢迎光临我们餐厅,请问您有预订吗?

  How many people are there in your party?你们一共几个人?

  Would you please come with me?请您跟我来,好吗?

  Please step this way. 这边请。

  Will this table be all right?这张桌子可以吗?

  Would you like to sit near the windows?您是否喜欢靠窗坐?

  Where would you like to sit?您希望坐在哪?

  You can sit where you like. 您可以随便坐。

  I’m sorry,that table is already reserved.对不起,那张桌子已经预订出去了。