

第1个回答  2010-12-17
这两词既可做实义动词用,又可做情态动词用。作为情态动词,两者都只能用于疑问句,否定句和条件句。 need 作实义动词时后面的不定式必须带to,而dare作实义动词用时, 后面的to 时常可以被省略。

一、 need的用法

1) need可用作实义动词,意为"需要;必要",后面可接名词、动名词或动词不定式等作宾语。注意"need doing"表示被动意义,相当于need to be done。例如:

I need a dictionary, so I need to go to the bookstore. 我需要一本词典,因此我要去趟书店。

How often does your hair need washing(need to be washed)? 你的头发需要多久洗一次?

2) need可用作情态动词,通常用于疑问句和否定句中,后接动词原形。这时need没有人称和数的变化,也没有时态的变化。例如:

It's only eight o'clock. Need you go so early? 才八点。你需要去这么早吗?

You needn't tell him about it as I have told him. 你不必跟他说那件事,我已经告诉他了。

3) needn't do与needn't have done的区别:


You needn't carry the desks out of the classroom when you clean the classroom. 你打扫教室时不必把桌子搬到教室外。

You needn't have bought such a big TV as it takes too much room. 你本来不必买这么大的电视,它占据的空间太大了(而事实上已经买了)。

二、 dare的用法

1) dare用作实义动词,此时其后的动词不定式可带to也可不带to,且dare有人称和数以及时态的变化。例如:

I dare to jump down from the top of the wall. 我敢从那墙头上跳下来。

She doesn't dare (to) meet her teacher's eyes. 她不敢与老师对视。

2) dare用作情态动词,后跟动词原形,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中。例如:

How dare she do things like that to me? 她怎么敢对我做那种事?

-Dare you catch the mouse? 你敢去抓那只老鼠吗?

-I daren't do that. 我不敢抓。

If you dare say that to our teacher, I would vote for you. 如果你敢向我们的老师说那件事,我就投你一票。

希望以上答案对你有帮助,Good luck to you:)