

第1个回答  2024-06-22
Once upon a time, in a small cottage on the edge of a forest, lived a little girl with her parents. Her father, a woodcutter, spent his days chopping down trees with his large axe. Deep within the forest stood another cottage, belonging to the little girl's grandmother.
The grandmother, who dearly loved her granddaughter, decided to make her a gift. She crafted a red cloak with a matching red hood, which the little girl wore almost every day, earning her the nickname Red Riding Hood.
One day, the grandmother fell ill, and Red Riding Hood's mother decided to make her feel better with a cake and fresh butter. "Red Riding Hood," her mother said, "take this cake and butter to your grandmother's cottage. Your visit will surely cheer her up."
With the basket in hand, Red Riding Hood waved goodbye to her mother and set off down the path. Not long after, she encountered a wolf. He approached, feigning friendliness, asking, "Good morning, Red Riding Hood. What do you have in your basket today?"
"I have some fresh butter and a cake," the girl replied. "They are for my grandmother who lives in the heart of the forest. She is unwell and could use some cheering up."
The wolf's lips curled into a smile as he thought, "If I am cunning, I can devour both the girl and her grandmother." He suggested, "Red Riding Hood, let us visit your grandmother together and brighten her day. I'll race you there!"
Cleverly, the wolf suggested they take different paths, promising to meet at Grandmother's cottage. As soon as Red Riding Hood was out of sight, the wolf sprinted swiftly through the forest.
Meanwhile, Red Riding Hood strolled leisurely along the path, picking flowers and wild strawberries for her grandmother, completely forgetting about the race.
The wolf, familiar with every hidden path and shortcut in the forest, raced so quickly that animals and birds scarcely noticed him. He arrived at Grandmother's cottage in no time, devouring the poor grandmother whole.
"That was delicious," the wicked wolf sighed, licking his lips. "Now, for Red Riding Hood!"
The wolf searched the bedroom and found one of Grandmother's spare nightgowns and a nightcap. Quickly, he dressed in them to mimic Grandmother. Then, he jumped into bed and awaited Red Riding Hood's arrival.
Eventually, Red Riding Hood arrived at the cottage door and knocked gently. The wolf, pretending to be Grandmother, asked, "Who is it?"
"It's Red Riding Hood," she announced, "and I've brought some cake and fresh butter for you."
The wolf chuckled and replied, "Unlatched the door and step right in. It's not locked, my dear."
As Red Riding Hood entered, the wolf pounced, attempting to swallow her whole.
"You sound quite different," Red Riding Hood noted.
"I have a cold, my dear!" the wolf cackled. "Come closer so I can get a good look at you."
Shocked upon seeing what appeared to be her grandmother, Red Riding Hood exclaimed, "Grandmother, what strong arms you have!"
"All the better to hug you with!" the wolf replied.
"Grandmother, what large eyes you have!" Red Riding Hood exclaimed, studying him.
"All the better to see you with!" the wolf grinned.
"Grandmother, what big teeth you have!" Red Riding Hood observed.
"All the better to EAT you with!" the wolf snarled, revealing its true nature.
As the wolf revealed its plan, Red Riding Hood's father, who was chopping wood nearby, heard her screams. He grabbed his mighty axe and sprinted towards the cottage. Seeing the wolf chasing Red Riding Hood, he swiftly chopped the wolf in two with one blow. The wolf fell dead, and Red Riding Hood was saved.
The terrified girl ran to her father and embraced him tightly. To their surprise, when they turned around, they found Grandmother standing there, safe and sound. The woodcutter's blow had split the wolf in two, allowing Grandmother to escape unharmed.
Together, they returned to the cottage, opened the basket, and enjoyed the delicious cake.
After this incident, Red Riding Hood never ventured into the forest alone again, and Grandmother took great care to lock the cottage door.