

第1个回答  2014-02-26

Geoteehnieal engineering Civil engineers who specialize in this filed
analyze tile properties of soils and rocks that support structures and affect
stnlctural Nzbavior. The:,, evaluate and work to minimize the potential
settlement of buildings and olher structures that stems from the pressure of
their weight on the carlh. These engineers also evaluate and determine how to
strengthen the stability of slopcs and bow to protect sualcturcs against
earlhquakes and the efl~:cts of groundwater.
Environmental engineering In this branch of engineering, civil
engineers design, build, and supervise systems to provide safe drinking water
and to prevent and control pollution of water supplies, both on the surface and
unde~round. They also design, build, and supervise projects to control or
eliminate polbltion of the land and air, These engineers build water and
wastewaters treatt'aent plants, and design air serobbep3 and other devices to
minimize or elimlaate air pollution caused by industrial proee,~es, incineration,
or other smoke-producing ~ctivities. They also work to eonlrol toxic and
hazardous wastes through the construction of special dump sites or the
neutralizhlg of toxic and hazardous substances, hi addition lhe engineers
design and manage sanitary landfills to prevent pollution of surrounding land.
Transportation engineering Civil engineers working in this specialty
build facilities to ensure sate and efficient movement of both people and goods.
They speelallze in designing and maintaining all t)])es of transportalion
facilities, highways and streets, mass trar~~it systems, railroads and airfields
pm~s and harbors. Transportation engineers apply technological knowledge ~
well as consideration of the economic, political, and social factors in designing
each project. They work closely with urban planners since the quality of the
community is dircctly related to the quality of the transportation system.
Pipeline engineering In lhis branch of civil engineering, engineers build
pipelines and related lheililies, which transport liquids, gases, or solids ranging
fi'om coal slurries (mixed coal and water) and semi liquids w~lstes, to water, oil
and various types pf highly combustiblc and noncombustible gases. The
engineers deteroline pipeline design, the economic and environmental impact
of a project oil regions it ratlSt traverse, tile t)~e pf materials to be used-steel,
concrete, plastic, or combinations of various ma'terials, installation techniques,
methods for testing pipeline strength, and controls for nmintaining ploper
pressure and rale of flow of materials being transporled. When hazardous
materials are being carried, s~llbty is a raajor consideration as well.
Construction engineering Civil engineers in this field oversee tile

COtIStrtlctiOIl of tl project~-onl beginning to end Somet[~)le$called project
cngincers,they apply,b1)th tcchnical and managcria[skills,including
knnwlcdgc of constll.1ction methods,planning、nrganizing.financing.and
oI)eial~lg eOIISll'tlctioIl prqieels IlIey coordfllae tile activities of virlual[y
c、。eryone engaged ill tile work:the SlltWeyors,workers who lay out and
COllstruct tile tempo L311"y l_oads and 1"11111138 excavate fo’tile foundatlOll、builtj
the tbrm_s and pour the concrete:and workers who build tile steel flame-work
These enginem's also make regulal progress i'epOl*S to rite owllers of the
ConstD.Lgtk)n is a complicated plogcss on almost all enginccring pmjccts
It iIlvoIves scheduling the urork and illilizing tile oquiptllent and the lllaleiials
so that eoa(s are kept as low as possible ga['~ly lhctor lltns[also be taken into
aceotInt,since construction can be very dangmOLIS lvlany civil engineers
fllerctilr~spccializc in the COllStruetion phase
Community and urban planning Those engaged in this area ol。civil
engineering may plan and develop COllllil/itlilies within a city,oF et'dire cities
Such planning involves fhr i]10l(~than engineering considerations;
elf.rilonnlellta]social.and oc()nonlic矗ct0体in the nge and development of
land and natural resources art:also key OlelilOnls They evaluale the kinds of
facilities needed,inch xding streets and¨g’Waxes、public trmlspol ration systems,
airl)o['~s and recreational alld other)~cilities lo ellS/II'~social a11d eoollomi6 as
well}m clwironmcnta]well—being
Photogl'anmlet~,,SIII~’eying,alld lnapping‘i'he ci、。il engitleo's in this
speeiallY precisely meastlre,111e Earlh‘s sttrl'see to obtain reliable hlformation
亿r locating and designing engineming projects This practice oRl~n im‘olves
high—technology methods such as satellite and ael ial surveying,and~0i11])tltel
pmccssing ofphotogaphic ilnagery.Radio signals from satellites,scanned by
Iasel’antl son[~bea-11s are collverted to maps to provide very accurate
measurements lPr bering tun]lcls,building highm’ays and dams.plotting flood
control and irrigation projects,locating gllbstlrf;dcc geologic tbrmations that
tna)’af[het a~OllSirtleli01t projeel and a hosl ofother building tlS~,S
Other speeialties TN-ee additional ci、‘il engineering specialties that are
not ei tirely within tile scope ofcivil enginee~ing teaching
Engineering research Research is OIIC of the most impmlant aspects of
scientific and engineering plactie~A researcher usually works}B a member of
a leanlⅥ‘jch olher scientists and mlgitleet's lie or she is oRen enlployed in a
Iabm'atm、r tlmt financcd by govclllmont of industW.AI cas of 1csearch

tO ellStlrethe pr01eetis eompIeted 011rune and as specified
Many civil engineers,among them the top people in file field,work in
design As We have seen cMl engineers werk on many diP&~ent kinds of
structules,soitjs normal practicefor an engineert0 specializeiniust olle kiud
In designing buildings.engineers ofleli werk 12s consultants to architectural or
eonstl"uelion firms Dams,bridgus,waler supply systems,and other large
projects ordinarily employ several engineers whose work is coordinated by a
system engineer who is in charge of tim entire project In many cases,
engineers from other disciplines are involved in a dam projeel,for example.
eleetrical and meebatlical engineels werk on tile design ofth~powerhouse and
its equipmenl In other cases,civil engineers are assigned to work otl a projcot
in another field in the space pzogralll~Ibr hlstance,cMI engilieers were
nece$$arv ln the desigtl aIld collstlxletion ofsuch strucnires as launcbing pads
and togket storage facilities
Throughout any given projech eiviI engineers make extensive use of
computers.Coll~putes are used to desi~ma the project's various elemelits
(computer-aided design,or CAD)and t0 mm~ger it Computers al~a necessity
向r the modem cMl engineer because they permit the engineer to efficiently
baedle the large quantities of data needed in determining the best way to
construct a project
Structural engineering In this specialty,cn’il engineers plan and design
structures of all types.including bridges dams.power plants,supports lbr
equipment,special structures for offshore projeels,the United Stales space
pro倒am,transnfission towers.giant asttDnomical and tadio telescopes.and
many other kinds of~rojects
Using computers.structural engineers detmlnine the fbic鹳a structtue
mHst resist,lts OWl]weiglit.wind an(I】mrrieane lbrees tempmattire changes
that expand or contract construction materials,and earthquakes They also
determit~e the combination of appropriate materials:steeI,concrete,plastic.
stone,asphalt,brick,alumimtm,orother constructionmaterials
Water feSOUFeeS engineerlng Civil engineers in this specialty deal with
all aspects ofthephysical control ofwater Theirprojects help pl'evetltfloods,
s pp y water向r cities and for h'rigation inanage and control rivers and water
1.U~oft.and maintain beaches and olher waterfi'ont facilities In addition,they
design and Ilaaintain harbors,canals,and locks,build huge hydroeleetrie dams
alld Sillaller dams and water inlpOlmdments ofalI kh~ds.help design offshore
structures.and determ_『1e tile 10cation ofstmcttires affecting*lavigation

connected wilh civil engineering 1ncludc soil mechanics and soil stabilization
techniques.and also the development and testing ofn州structm~】materials
Engineering management Many civil engineers choose careers that
eventually Itad Io management.OIhers arc alsO to stall lheir careers ln
mallagelllent positions The civil engineer mallager combines technical
knov,-ledge u r【111 an ability to organize and coordinate worker pov,-a.materials.
machintaH and money.These cllgineers ma),work in government municipal、
connty.statc.or允dcrak in the U S Army Corps of Engineers as military or
civilian management engineers;or in scnliautononlotts regional oF city
aulbotities or sinlilar organization They may also 111al|ag~private engineering
firnts ranging ln size fi0Ill a fcW cmNoyccs to】mndrcds
Engineering teaching The cl、ril engineer who chooses a teaching career
usually teaches both graduate an(i under'gIaduate s.ttldents m lechnical
specialties Many’teaching civil engineers engage in basic research that
eventually 1cads to tcchnical Innovatioi]s in conslrtlction matcrials and
nlethods Man)’also SerVe as cot~sultants 01)engineering projects,or on
tcchnicaI boards and commissions associalcdⅥith m~tior projccts
第2个回答  2014-02-26
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