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在柯南道尔的小说中,baker street 221b号是福尔摩斯的家。而在现实生活中,这里是为纪念他而建立的纪念馆。









因为是高分悬赏 所以要求质量也要高

我说1楼2楼的 都说了 不要直译的了!!!~

第1个回答  2009-06-02
In the Memorial Hall at the entrance, you can see stands the statue of Sherlock Holmes and the guard, a very gentleman

The past few years in films that show off to the famous study overlooking Baker Street is on the second floor, 17 steps below. Visitors can sit beside the fireplace, Mr. Holmes in the armchair to take photos or adjacent entry and study his bedroom. However, smoking his pipe. Everything on his usual position: he's hunter hat, magnifying glass, calabash pipe, violin, chemistry equipment, notebook, Persian slippers and posing supplies.

These rooms furnished with personal belongings and personal documents, detectives, as well as from his published case exhibits.


Placed on the fourth floor galleries with a group of amazing new wax figures, which showed scenes of the novel.

Infants in the first floor of the house museum of unique gifts and antiques, as well as a fine souvenir shop. Sherlock Holmes-related items and can be purchased here.
第2个回答  2009-06-02
The novel in conan Doyle, Baker Street 211b is Sherlock Holmes. But in real life, here is built to commemorate his memorial.

In the hall, can see the statue of Sherlock Holmes and a very gentleman's guards

In many years had shown in the movie the famous can overlook the Baker Street in the study on the second floor, under 17 steps. Visitors can sit in the fireplace in the armchair Mr Sherlock Holmes pictures or enter and study of his bedroom adjacent. But please suck his pipe. He put all the things he usually position: the hunter cap, a magnifying glass, hoist, violin, chemical equipment pipe, notebook, Persian slippers and posing supplies.

The room with private display and personal items from him, and various documents published case exhibits.

The fourth floor rooms in a group of brand-new surprise wax, they show a fictional scene.

The floor is in the house of the museum of unique gifts and antique and a delicate souvenir shops. Holmes and related objects can be bought in here.
第3个回答  2009-06-02
In Conan Doyle's story,Mr Holmes lived at
221b Baker Street.While it is a monument
built to commemorate him in reality.

At the door of the monument there stand a
bronze of Holmes and a guard which looks very

The well-known study shown in the films over
the years,from which we can hold a panoramic
view of Baker Street is on the second
floor.There's a flight of 17 steps between
the two floors.The visitors can take photos
in Mr Holmes's arm chair beside the
fireplace.You can also look around in his
bedroom next to the study.But remember if you
want to smoke,use your own tobacco pipe.His hunter hat,magnifying glass,calabash,violin,chemical and petroleum
equipment,notebook,Persian slippers and
things helping him to dress up,such personal
effects are put where they always are.

Not only personal effects and documents of
the Detective are displayed in these
rooms,there are also some exhibits coming
from his published cases.

In the exhibition room on the fourth floor there
placed a group of wax figures which are
surprisingly brand new.They showed some
scenes in the novel.

There are some unique presents and antiques
collected on the ground floor.There is also
an exquisite souvenir shop where you can buy
anything related to Sherlock Holmes.
第4个回答  2009-06-03
In Conan Doyle's novels, baker street 221b is the home of Sherlock Holmes. In real life, here in memory of his memorial established.

In the Memorial Hall at the entrance, you can see stands the statue of Sherlock Holmes and the guard, a very gentleman

The past few years in films that show off to the famous study overlooking Baker Street is on the second floor, 17 steps below. Visitors can sit beside the fireplace, Mr. Holmes in the armchair to take photos or adjacent entry and study his bedroom. However, smoking his pipe. Everything on his usual position: he's hunter hat, magnifying glass, calabash pipe, violin, chemistry equipment, notebook, Persian slippers and posing supplies.

These rooms furnished with personal belongings and personal documents, detectives, as well as from his published case exhibits.

Placed on the fourth floor galleries with a group of amazing new wax figures, which showed scenes of the novel.

Infants in the first floor of the house museum of unique gifts and antiques, as well as a fine souvenir shop. Sherlock Holmes-related items and can be purchased here.
第5个回答  2009-06-02
笨蛋 ,笨蛋