
It is important to underline that relationships both drive and are driven by the context where they
take place (Fournier, Dobscha and Mick 1998), that “marketing is context driven” (Egan 2003, 154) and that it is “important to recognize the context in which exchanges take place” (Möller and Halinen 2000, 41). But, many within the academy constituency remained skeptical, arguing that
due to the size of consumer markets, the nature of competition, the anonymity of customers, the limited interaction between consumer and organization and the difficulties associated with
potentially intrusive technology, developing relationships (or, at least, interpersonal relationships)
in consumer markets was inappropriate (O´Malley and Tynan 2000; Thompson et al 2000).
Maybe it would be better to view relationships as being diverse rather than adhering to one
common format of development from arms-length to increasingly close relationships. Thus, it is important to re-consider what a relationship in a consumer market context means. However, in
these markets, the concept rarely is defined at all, constituting a “glaring omission” (Bagozzi 1995, p. 275). The term “relationship” is often used to underpin a supplier’s marketing activities,
to the neglect of the customers’ perspective, although a relationship takes two (Fournier, Dobscha
and Mick 1998). The establishment of customer relationships appears to have been equated with the concept of customer retention (which includes loyalty programs and database marketing).
However, viewing the establishment of customer relationships as something as simple as the next
stage in the manipulation of consumer data will detract from a relationship approach and does a
disservice to the complexity of the concept (Dibb and Meadows 2001). Also assuming that a
“relationship” is what customers’ want or need, even when sometimes they are not even aware
they are participating, might mean a new kind of marketing myopia (Fernandes and Proença,

第1个回答  2009-05-29

举行(福涅尔, Dobscha和米克1998年) ,即“营销方面驱动” (伊根2003年, 154 ) ,它是“必须认识到环境中进行交流” (默勒和哈努哈利2000年, 41岁) 。但是,许多在学院选区仍持怀疑态度,认为



在消费市场是不合适的(奥马利和泰南2000 ;汤普森等人, 2000年) 。



这些市场的概念,很少是指在所有,构成了“明显的不作为” (巴戈齐1995年,第275页) 。所谓“关系” ,通常用来支撑供应商的营销活动,

而忽视了客户的角度来看,虽然这种关系有两种(福涅尔, Dobscha

和米克1998年) 。建立客户关系似乎已经等同的概念,留住客户(其中包括忠诚计划和数据库营销) 。



帮倒忙的复杂性的概念( Dibb ,草地2001年) 。还假设


他们都参加,可能意味着一种新的营销近视(费尔南德斯和Proença ,

2008 ) 。