

第1个回答  2022-09-25
Spring breeze, like a painter, makes the earth colorful and energetic.
Spring breeze is a magician, turning the earth into a fresh and beautiful picture
Spring breeze caresses my face gently like the hand of a kind mother; like the figure of a naughty child, it vanishes without trace.
Spring breeze is a happy bird, which makes the world full of joy.
Spring breeze, like the eyes of a lover, gently runs across your cheek
Spring breeze, like a beautiful girl, makes the world glorious
Spring breeze is like a colorful pen, which makes the whole world more colorful.
Spring breeze is like a handful of skillful cutting, cutting out a new green mountains and rivers
Spring breeze, like the sun, shines into our hearts to warm us
Spring breeze, like a mother, gently combs the willow's hair, dresses the grass and the earth in clothes, and changes into a vibrant appearance, which makes people linger.
The wind in spring is like the beautiful skirt that spring girls raise in the rotation.
Spring breeze is for the commander, directing the drifting of mountain streams in winter and the happy singing of birds.
Spring breeze is like an alarm clock, waking up the frog in his sleep
Spring breeze is like a writer whose articles are full of poetic and picturesque sentiments, which make people memorize endlessly.
Spring breeze is like a handy girl who dyes willow branches, peach and Apricot Branches and yellow clusters of greening flowers with her handy hands.
Gentle spring breeze caresses our faces like gentle little hands.
