
Can you resend your recent price reviews and ensure that the following columns are added to your spreadsheets for the latest and future updates. This will assist us in calculating tonnage by coil/sheet whatever is your normal method of purchasing from your steel supplier.
We are currently working towards sending out our Q3 tender for steel. Can you resend your recent price reviews and ensure that the following columns are added to your spreadsheets for the latest and future updates. This will assist us in calculating tonnage by coil/sheet whatever is your normal method of purchasing from your steel supplier. As you are aware our company has greater buying power than yourselves individually and this may provide us with future cost saving opportunities for both parties.
已经翻译的不错了,但是 觉得 不够通顺,请帮忙结合上下文 进行翻译,非常感谢!


可不可以重新给我你的最新调查价格, 和确保日后你的电子制表的更新里都加上下列几个栏目? 无论你使用那一种钢材供应商的采购方法, 这些栏目都可以协助我们以卷或片来计算吨数.

你应该明白,我们公司的购买能力比你们独力的购买能力强大多了. 我们共同的合作可以缩减双方未来的成本.
第1个回答  2009-04-09