throw away 后面可以接介词短语吗


第1个回答  2016-03-03
throw away 一般直接接名词
1.discard; lose or let slip by foolishness or neglect抛弃;因愚蠢或疏忽而失去或放弃
He has thrown away a good opportunity.他已经失去了一个良好的机会。
You are throwing away your chance of becoming a success.你在错过成功的机会。 to use弃而不用
My advice was thrown away upon him.我的忠告被他当作耳边风。
3.use in a foolish or wasteful manner浪费
You are throwing your money away,buying such useless things.你买这些没有用的东西是在浪费钱。
He thinks nothing of throwing away a thousand dollars at the gambling house.他在赌场里一掷千金满不在乎。