

第1个回答  2011-10-08
I) Please answer the question using another way.
She spent a lot of money ______________________________( have the house repaired)
We wasted a whole afternoon___________________________( try to repair the car)
The girls are busy _____________________________( practice their new song)
II) Walking in the street, I saw him.
(While we were) travelling by a jeep, we visited a number of cities.
Mary held the torch steadily and approached the monster slowly.
III) Being ill, she stayed at home. (相当于because)
She saw nobody at home; she decided to leave them a note.__________________________________
We didn’t know her address, we couldn’t find her. ______________________________________________
(由于)没收到回音, 我决定再给他写一封信。__________________________________________
IV) Taking off our shoes, we crept along the carpet.=
(干什么之后,……)After we took off our shoes, we crept along the carpet.After we heard the news, they all jumped with joy. ______________________________________________
She turned around, and then she saw a gun pointing at her. __________________________________________
V) His friend died, leaving him a lot of money. (前一句话的结果)
Mary waved the torch over her head. That made a great ring of white light.
The snow lasted a week, and resulted in a serious traffic confusion in the whole city.
VI) I got home at 10pm, feeling very tired.(伴随前半句动作发生的。)
He sent me a letter and hoped to become my friend. ________________________________________________
She went out and slammed the door. _______________________________________________
VII) Many of us, being so excited, couldn’t go to sleep that night.
= Being so excited, many of us couldn’t go to sleep that night.
Because the doctor did not wish to scare her, he didn’t tell her how serious her condition is.
The father, ______________________________(不想吓到他儿子),pretended that they were playing a game.
Having failed many times, he didn't lose heart. = Although he had failed many times, ...
Having invited so many people, we have to prepare enough food. = Since we invited so many people, …
Having got our tickets, we drove to the airport to board the plane. =After we had got our tickets, … 望采纳