

第1个回答  2024-05-05
1. 历史上的四大美人是否尝试过中药减肥?杨贵妃天生珠圆玉润,深受唐明皇宠爱, unlikely to have sought slimming measures. As for the concurrent sisterhood, their methods are not recorded, which is a pity! Among the folkloric Chinese herbal weight loss recipes, I have many, but please note, weight loss is merely a secondary effect of these herbs, not the primary purpose. Therefore, before adopting any of the following formulas, ensure they align with your constitution and intention.
2. Herbal Weight Loss Recipe #1: Hawthorn and Job's Tears Tea
- Function: Promotes diuresis, eliminates indigestion, aids weight loss.
- Ingredients: Hawthorn (Crataegus) 2 liang (60g), raw Job's tears (Coix) 3 liang (90g), and 2 pieces of dried tangerine peel.
- Preparation: Wash all ingredients thoroughly, soak in 10 bowls of cold water for an hour, then boil for two hours. Add a little rock sugar for sweetening just before turning off the heat (warning: rock sugar should not be boiled for too long, or it will turn sour).
- Explanation: Raw Job's tears promote diuresis and help remove excess water from the body; Hawthorn is excellent for breaking down fatty deposits and aiding in the digestion of accumulated fats, ideal for meat eaters.
- Cautions: Individuals with a sweet tooth should avoid, as it may encourage more eating and lead to increased waistlines. Those with excessive stomach acid should also avoid, as it may counteract the effects of antacids.
3. Herbal Weight Loss Recipe #2: Poria and Dampness-Removing Tea
- Function: Eliminates dampness, detoxifies, aids weight loss.
- Ingredients: Poria 5 qian (15g),泽泻Zexie 5 qian (15g), Mulberry white bark 3 qian (9g), Ginger 2 qian (6g), and 1 piece of dried tangerine peel.
- Preparation: After gathering all the herbs, soak in 4 bowls of cold water, then simmer to half a bowl, and drink while warm.
- Explanation: Poria and泽泻promote diuresis and help remove excess water, which can purge fire and eliminate dampness toxins, aiding in weight loss. This formula is particularly suitable for those with edema and excessive fat, but since fatty individuals often have weak spleens and excessive phlegm, adding Codonopsis, Huangqi, and Bai Zhu can protect the spleen and stomach.
- Cautions: Not suitable for those with frequent urination.
4. Herbal Weight Loss Recipe #3: Senna Formula
- Function: Detoxifies, lowers blood pressure, aids body shaping.
- Ingredients: Dried rhubarb,芒硝Mangxiao,山栀子Shanyao, Angelica sinensis,芍药Peony, Ephedra, Saposhnikovia divaricata, Scutellaria baicalensis, 石膏Shigao,桔梗Jiegeng, 连翘Lianqiao, Chuanxiong,甘草Gancao, and 滑石Hua Shi.
- Preparation: Grind into powder and make into pills; take 2 qian (6g) at a time, with a 15-day course for one疗程, adjusting medication based on individual situation under guidance. For acute weight loss, it can be taken as a decoction, but must be guided by a professional.
- Explanation: This formula combines the actions of resolving the exterior, purging, and clearing heat, enhancing channels such as perspiration, urination, and defecation to thoroughly "spring clean" the body of accumulated food, dampness, and heat toxins. The herbs such as rhubarb, mangxiao, and ephedra are potent and should not be abused for quick results.
- Cautions: Not suitable for those with weak stomachs.
5. Herbal Weight Loss Recipe #4: Lipid-Lowering and Cardiac-Strengthening Decoction
- Function: Lowers cholesterol, activates blood circulation, and reduces fat.
- Ingredients: Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) 6 qian (18g),首乌Polygonum multiflorum,桑寄生Morus alba,葛根Pueraria lobata,黄精Phellodendron amurense, Schisandra chinensis, and Gancao.
- Preparation: Wash the ingredients and soak in 5 bowls of water, then simmer to one bowl for consumption.
- Explanation: Polygonum multiflorum and Schisandra chinensis moisten the intestines and have a laxative effect; Danshen and Gynostemma pentaphyllum promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis; Grapeseed extract strengthens the heart and lowers blood pressure.
Remember, herbs are always herbs, and misuse can lead to adverse effects. To achieve the secondary effect of weight loss, consult a physician and select herbs that aid in dispelling indigestion, lowering lipids, promoting diuresis, or purging, regularly reviewed to ensure safety.
Herbal Weight Loss Tips #2:
The desire to lose weight is increasing among people,尽管减肥方法多种多样,但结果要么不能达到快速减肥的目的,要么引起不良反应。现在介绍几种效果较好又不会带来副作用的中药减肥秘方。
1. 枸杞子每日30克,冲茶服,早晚各1次,连用7周,用药无禁忌,一般1个月后体重可下降2.6千克。
2. 饭前半小时服用大黄片4-10片,每日1-3次,大便保持每日3次左右。
3. 干荷叶100克,山楂250克,浙贝母100克,皂夹(火制)50克,生大黄50克,陈皮50克,上药研细末为1疗程剂量。每日取干药50克,用开水浸泡,取汁300毫升,每日分2次服,1个月1疗程。
4. 茵陈40克,首乌20克,金樱子30克,黄精30克,生山楂15克,丹参20克,大黄10克,三七粉5克,泽演15克,葛根20克。水煎服,每日2次。
5. 决明子30克,泽演、郁李仁各15克,火麻仁、山楂各10克,研末,每袋20克,每日3次,每次1-2袋,饭前半小时服。
6. 番泻叶、桃仁、猪苓、枳壳、黄芪各10克,研末。每次10克,开水冲服,每日1-3次,30天为1疗程。