
非常感谢您的回复!在我收到您的信件后,我再次把您的情况向我们主管进行汇报。经过我们的讨论,由于您的情况特殊,我们主管特此批准,可以让你先完成三年的注册并且仍然可以享受20%的优惠。这样一来,可以减轻你们支付的负担,三年总价格:564.00 EUR,我想这个价格对您来说应该不是很难了。我已经尽了最大的努力为你争取了,我希望能看到您的诚意,请确认,如果没有问题我将发送给你新的Invoice。期待您的确认!

第1个回答  2012-11-03
Thank you very much for your reply. I reported your case to my supervisor again when I received your letter. For your special case, the supervisor finally approves that you can have three years of registration first and still enjoy 20% discount after our discusion. In this way, it can reduce the burden , the total price of your three-years case: 564.00 EUR, I think the price is not very difficult to afford for you. I have tried my best for you and hope to see your sincerity, please confirm it, and if there is no problem, I will send you a new Invoice. Waiting for your confirmation.

第2个回答  2012-09-20
Thank you very much for your reply! When I received your letter, I once again put your case we report to supervisor. After our discussion, because of your special case, we hereby approved supervisor, allows you to complete three years of registration and still can enjoy 20% discount. In this way, can reduce the burden of your payment, three years total price: 564 EUR, I think the price to you to be not very difficult. I have done my best to fight for you, I'd like to see your sincerity, please confirm it, if there is no problem, I will send you a new Invoice. Await your confirmation!
第3个回答  2012-09-21
第4个回答  2012-09-21