

第1个回答  2022-07-15
There was a player named Jerry in the rugby(英式橄榄球) team, his father died. Returning from the funeral(葬礼), an important match was going to begin.


He found the coach at once, asking to attend the match. He was not good at the skill, so the coach should not allow him to attend the match. But now, as he relented(怜悯), he agreed to let Jerry play for three minutes.


When the time was up, he would be changed by others. On the court, Jerry turned very agilely(灵活的) with his practiced skill. He broke through the opposition line valiantly(英勇的).

时间一到,就让其他人把他换下场来。 球场上,杰瑞的动作变得十分敏捷,球技也几近娴熟。他英勇地突破对手的防线。

Three minutes passed. The coach made Jerry keep staying on the court. Jerry continued his outstanding performance, leading the team to win the match. The coach hugged excitedly and said, “Kid, you have never been so fast, so strong and so skilled. What happened on earth(到底)?”

三分钟到了,教练没有让杰瑞下场。杰瑞一路表现出色,率领队友赢得了比赛。 教练激动地拥抱了杰瑞,对他说:“孩子,你以前从来没有跑得这么快、踢得这么猛、技术这么好过。这究竟是怎么回事?”

Jerry said, “My father is blind, so he has never watched my match. Now, he has gone to the heaven and finally can watch my match. As soon as I think of my father watching me, I have everything...”
