
以GOOD STUDENT,GOOD MANNERS 为题写作文 要求用上一下句子:1不吸烟,不喝酒;不乱扔、乱吐、乱画 2不要嘲笑处于困境中的人,要尽力给予帮助 3守时,不说脏话4 穿校服,遵守交通规则;排队候车,主动让座

第1个回答  2012-04-03
In the modern societies ,good manners have become a basical principle for people.Especially for us junior students.
In order to do a good citizen and a good student to make our city more beautiful ,we should do something as follows.First,we should not smoke or drink and we should not throw rubbish ,pill,and draw any where.Second,when you find someone in trouble ,you should help them other than laugh at them.Third,we should be punctual and do not say any bad talks. Last ,we should wear school cooths and obey the traffic rules,when we wait for buses,we should be in a queue,and when we see old man we should give the seat to them.
If all of us can do these,our city will be more beautiful .本回答被提问者采纳