Sentence structure for “all I need for now is you”?


第1个回答  2022-10-25
All (that) I need for now is you. 主词all+形容词子句+be动词+主词补语you that是「关系代名词」,带出「形容词子句」,当作主词的「修饰语」,因为that是子句里的「受词」,可省略。 这不是「倒装句」。 All that I need for now is you.尾重原则,通常重要的资讯放句尾。句尾是句焦点,「你」是全句的重点。「倒装句」是一种强调的结构。但这句不是倒装句。 You are all that I need for now.「现在」是全句的焦点。这句也不是倒装句。
adj or noun as plement
"to be" may be omitted predicatively:- You seemed ----S+seem (to be) + adj/n+plement------to be all I need for now.
Language is about expression of meaning or feeling... So if "You" is the important in a expression
either the sentence try to start with YOU or it ends with YOU will give the listener more attention. This is how this sentence (actually should be verbal/spoken) structure is about. IF written/spoken in a normal/formal structure: Start from the simple sentence: I want "something" for Christmas I want "YOU" for Christmas But this sentence will sound like "YOU" is thing. So next revision - how to make "You" more important: I want for Christmas is YOU. This is ok but I really want YOU to know how important this sentence me to me for you: All I want for Christmas is YOU. All I need for now is YOU. similar expression of the importance of YOU in the time "now". You asked for a grammar lesson
but all you need to know is how language expressed the meaning.