

第1个回答  2012-09-30
I love to make friends, and all kinds of people like to talk, like to try all kinds of things and life, will be very happy. Life is too short, and I do not want to wait for old age only to find nothing left in this world. I have a dream, I am eager to see the great mountains and rivers, have a mountain of mind, so I will be looking for in a substance, the world lost my heart wanted. On the one hand, to better adapt to the world, on the other hand, also make themselves happier, better things can bring people around, so life was more meaningful. The younger can fail, but you can not regret it. Therefore, I believe that just give me a chance, I have enough confident enough to do it, because I have a sincere heart.


第2个回答  2012-09-30
I like to make friends, talk with all kinds of people, try all kinds of things and life. Because of short life, I do not think that I do not find nothing leaved by me on earth untill old, I have a dream, I thirst for seeing the great mountains and rivers, own a alpine heart and I can look for things wanted inward in one material and lost world. On the one hand I make me much adapt to this world, on the other hand also I make me more happy, and I could bring better things to the people around, so my life is more meaningful. The young can fail but can not leave regret. I have a genuine hraet, Therefore I believe if I get opportunity I will have enough confidences to do it well.本回答被网友采纳