

第1个回答  2012-08-18
Unit 3 Our Hobbies
Topic 3 what were you doing from seven to nine yesterday?
Section A
Good afternoon, everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 3 Reading Part A. Around the World in Eight Hours. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from three parts.
一. Teaching material analysis
1. Teaching items: This lesson is the third lesson in Unit-3. It’s also a main point in this lesson, which provides an example for the target sentence construction. It increases the students synthetic ability of hearing, speaking, reading, writing the past continuous tense.
2. Aims to the teaching:
A. Aim to the knowledge:
To learn the target words shower, radio in this lesson. The target sentence construction in this lesson is:
(1)—What were you doing this time yesterday?
—I was taking a shower.
(2)I wasn’t playing on the computer.
(3)Were you playing on the computer?
Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
(4)He/She was watching a football game at 9∶00 o’clock last Sunday morning.
B. Aim to the abilities:
1) To improve the students communication ability.
2) Develop students’ basic ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing
C. Aims to the emotion:
To train the students to love language, and develop their good charactor.
3. Difficult and important points:
How to give advice by using their knowledge which they have learnt.
二. Teaching method--- the investigative method
As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in middle school is to cultivate students’ basic abilities of listening 、speaking、reading and writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the conversation. And in this lesson communication method、scene method and CAI will be needed.
三.Teaching steps
1. Review. Review the present continuous tense through free talk and ask some Ss questions. It will take me 7 minutes.
2. Presentation. This is the most important part in this lesson.
First, I’ll use a picture to ask and answer in pairs Get students to follow the example to make dialogues with their partner.
A: What were you doing at this time yesterday?
B: I was washing some clothes. What about you?
A: I was doing some cleaning.
Second, T: Make a survey of your partners. Ask questions about what they were doing last Sunday morning and fill in the chart.
What was he/she doing at nine o’clock last Sunday morning?
Sun Li
She was listening to the radio.

Third, Work in groups. Choose the student who had the most interesting morning in your group. It will take me 32 minutes.
3. Consolidation. Listen to the tape and read after it. and then read the dialog by yourselves.
It will take me 5 minutes
4. Briefly summary.
T: From what we learned above, we can sum up the Past Continuous Tense like this:
I was reading.
I wasn’t reading.
Were you reading?
Yes, I was.
No, I wasn’t.
He/She/It was reading.

We were reading.

They were reading.

It will take me 10 minutes
5. Homework.