

第1个回答  2022-10-12


My younger brother paid 170,000 yuan for a new car.
My younger brother spent 170,000 yuan on a new car.
The new car cost my younger brother 170,000 yuan.
Lily spends 15 minutes going to school every day.
It takes Lily 15 minutes to go to school every day.


American teenagers can prepare to sit in driving test when they are 16,aren't they?
Why do I always fet those vocaburaries but you can keep remembering?
War causes the price of oil to rise,doesn't it?
When she stays inhospital,she regrets not listening to her mom
It is important to know how to get along with others when you go to the society
If you want to relax,you can try to listen(try后面应跟to-infinitive吧?)some easy listenings
They all thought that it's my first time to visit this city.As a matter of face,I had lived here for 2 years
Children like reading Harry Potter,so as many *** s


Chris Angel (Criss Angel) is a magician, musicians and artists as well. He has won a record five times international famous magician association "the magician of the year" award, is also the only one in the history of the o issue of the most popular the most revered of Magic Magic magazine (November 2003) and Genii (December 2003) on the cover of the magician. But some people say that he is actually an enchanter, have more very person think he is an alien or must have a super ability, a lot of people who have seen his performance will be the image of his lines in the body, as god-like worship him. In all his performances are often bizarre and self-help, has a tendency to self-destruct self-injury or it would seem, witchcraft, sometimes make people cannot bear to see sometimes scare spectators. His performance is not only to the public, also make the inline


1.I might be made several grammatical mistakes (in mine),I'm sorry.Excuse me for my age just as a junior school student.^ ^
2.I have e to here in order to practice oral English .
3.How long have you been there?
4.Why do you e to Xiamen?(这个比较生硬,下面再给个...)
What was the reason drove you e here?
5.Do you like here?
6.I hope you're enjoying youself staying here.
然后,多看一些纯正美语(或者英语,看你喜好了)的电影,电视,跟读。当然,学生时期还是不要看那个了,听VOA,BBC news都是不错的选择。
我建议先打下语法坚实基础再来练习口语,要不接触太多口语了,你就会发现,到你写论文(作文)时,那个愁啊...= =+ 因为口语比较random~~~
比如:你问:What was the reason drove you e here?
人家答:I like suntrap(阳光充足的地方)....and so on...
这时你再想问:喜欢这儿吗?Do you like here? 就有点怪怪的了...明显背诵嘛,呵呵...so,这时,你可以说:so,umm....Did you like the climate here?




1. I will talk to foreigners with the bold words are not worried there will be grammar errors
2. In this article we would not find such a state, for example, when an error
3. Learning English is not so tired
4. After I will work abroad or travel around the world without too many language barriers
5. Even so, I will definitely overe the difficulties in learning
6. I do not have to worry about the scores of English papers on the
7. I will help families to understand a puter program on the English tips
8. If I am good at history ... ... This is really like the

请将下列句子翻译为英文 在线等

I have got o champions and a second place finalist in the sports petition of my city.I've also got very good scores in the petition of English ability.In my six-year Primary school,I've got Miyoshi students mendation ever year and I also got District Miyoshi Commendation in 2010.
绝对手打翻译,可能有些小错误,拒绝用翻译器,嘿嘿 望采纳




if you don't like me and still watch everything I do.bitch,you're a fan.翻译:如果你不喜欢我,还看我所做的一切。 *** ,你是一个迷。


    A a [ei] B b [bi:] C c [si:]

    D d [di:] E e [i:] F f [ef]

    G g [d3i:] H h [eit∫] I i [ai]

    J j [d3ei] K k [kei] L l [el]

    M m [em] N n [en] O o [əu]

    P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:]

    S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:]

    V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:] X x [eks]

    Y y [wai] Z z [zi:][zed]
