

第1个回答  2022-10-22
问题一:谈论的英文怎么写 discuss

问题二:谈论用英语怎么说? talk about希望能帮到你,要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!

问题三:和...讨论.. 用英语怎么说 discuss...with...

问题四:“讨论”用英语怎么说? Discuss ,讨论及物动词,最常用于英语中的交流,尤其是在开会或者研讨会以及学术问题上等严肃问题时,通常于with 一起使用,表示和某人一起讨论什么问题;

Talk about ,也是英语使用频率很高的词,表示谈论某件事情或问题,在口语中常出现,是居家旅行必备的好词组,一定要学会这两个词,对你今后交流有用


问题五:讨论用英语怎么说 argument

问题六:“对...话题进行讨论”用英语怎么说 talk about....
disscuss .... with...

问题七:谈论双方合作的事宜用英语怎么说呢 Talk about the cooperation of both sides
让我们谈谈合作的事情郸;Let's talk about cooperation things
你同意吗:Do you agree?
我没有什么意见:I don't have any different opinions.
你有什么建议吗; Do you have any suggestions?
我们合作吧;We can cooperate!

问题八:谈论自己的未来,用英语表达怎么写出来? Every one has his own dream.I have a dream when I was a kid .I want to be a teacher in the future. why? beacuse I always thik teacher is a respectable profession. when you stand on the platform ,you will be proud of seminating knowledge.They teach us how to be a kind person. they also teach us bravery,intrepidity and confidence.In order to make it e ture I will study hard .

问题九:与…交谈用英语怎么写 与…交谈英语:
talk with