

233网校小学三年级英语上册(蔡林芝34讲)(高清视频)    链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1RBDzgyQXeKNDDKdkFFuWtQ

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第1个回答  2019-11-13
第2个回答  2016-09-12
Unit 1一、读下列单词,并说出汉语意思。
1. ruler 2. pencil 3. crayon 4 .pen 5. pencil box 6. eraser 7. book 二. 把下列单词补充完整并写出首字母大小写
1 ___nt __pple 首字母 ___ ___2 __uck ___og首字母 ___ ___ 2 3.___at __rayon首字母 ___ ___4. __ook __ag首字母 ___ ___ 三、读句子并说出汉意。1. Good morning! ------ Good morning! 2. What’s your name? ---My name’s John. 3. Goodbye! Bye! See you! This is Miss Green. ---- Nice to meet you. 4. I have a ruler.---Me too! 5.Hello, I’m Miss White.---- Hello, I’m John. 四、读句子,做动作。
1. Open your book. 2. Carry your bag. 3. Close your book.
4. Show me your pen. 5. Orange,orange, sit down. 6. Brown, brown. Turn around. 7. Black, black. Stand up. 8. White, white. Touch the ground. Unit 2一、读下列单词,并说出汉语意思。
1. black 2. yellow 3. black 4. brown 5. white 6 .blue 7. red 8. orange 9. green 二、读句子并说出汉意。
1.Let’s play! --- OK! 2. Let’s make a puppet! ----Great!/ Good idea! 3. Are you Tutu? ---No! 4. Hi, Mom. This is Wu Yifan---Good afternoon. Wu Yifan . 5. Goodbye! ----Bye! /See you! / Goodbye!
Unit 3 一、读下列单词,并说出汉语意思。

1. hand 2. body 3. leg 4. foot 5. arm 6. face 7. head 8.ear 9. eye 10. mouth 11. nose 12. crayon 13. brown 14. white 15. eraser 二. 把下列单词补充完整并写出首字母大小写 1.___gg 首字母 ___ ___ 2. __ace _首字母 ___ ___ 3.___and首字母 ___ ___4. __ce 首字母 ___ ____ 5.___lephant首字母 ___ ___ 6.____oot首字母 ___ ___ 7. __ice cream首字母 ___ ___ 8.__reen首字母 ___ ___ 9. ___i首字母 ___ ___ 10.___ift 11. __rayon 12. ___pple 13. __at 三、读句子并说出汉意。
1. How are you ! --I’m fine, thank you./ Very well,thanks./ Fine./ I’m fine . 2. Let’s go to school.- OK. 3. Hello!--Hi. 4. This is the arm. This is the leg. 四、读句子,做动作。
1. Clap your hands. 2. Shake your legs. 3. Shake your body. 4.Wave your arms. 5. Stamp your foot. 6. Touch your head. 五、写出下列字母的大小写
1. A____ 2. f______3. g_____4. h______ 5.I_____6. e_____7. D_____ 8. B____ 9. c___
1. _____Bb Cc _____ _____Ff_______ ______ _______ 2. a ___c____ e_____ _____ h_____ 七、按字母表顺序写出下列字母的邻居。
1. _____Bb____ 2. _____D____3. _____f____ 4._____G____ 5._____Ff____6. ____ ____Ii 8. Bb _____ ____ 9._____Bb____ 10. E_____ 11. ____h 12. Hh______ 13.Cc_____ 14. Ff_____本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2016-09-07
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